Not even honourable mention :( **edit**

Well. I had a full day.

Took seroquel last nite, and then naturally slept thru my alarm this morning- was s’posed to help out at FH at like, 11. Ended up getting there at 1. It was reaaaally busy most of the time I was there. Then luckily it slowed down.

Went right from there to Jenn’s daughter’s bday party. Five 5 year olds and a bossy 8 year old sister, lol. Fun times. But, I got to face paint and the kids were all ecstatic. Especially when we let them paint on themselves! lol. I got to paint an elephant. And a fish. (And of course the standard rainbows, flowers, hearts…) No one had ever asked me for a fish before, heh.

Went right from there to the Art Exhibition reception. When I got there and saw all the amazing art, I kind of felt dumb for entering my pieces, tho I thought my photo was at least comparable to some of the stuff in its class (amateur). So, I wasn’t surprised when it didn’t get honorable mention, or even third place. lah.

I WAS surprised, however, when it received SECOND place!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously. I’m speechless! lol!!!

Of course, the judging is, at times, totally arbitrary. But. Still.

I had been worried about taking the “perfection” off of the print, afraid that the judge wouldn’t “get it” without seeing it.

But. In her critique she said pretty much exactly my thoughts as I was taking it/entering it…..she said how it was great that I focused on this subject that wasn’t perfect, and made it art and stuff…..*SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE*

omgomgomg!!! lol!

So. I got a $25 check. But. But I won in a REAL contest! Against REAL, GOOD artists!!!

I’m giddy!

And now I’m going to go see namoli again 🙂 WoOt!!!!

(this is the pic I’m talking about, btw)

(sans watermarks, of course)


Dunno why, I just felt compelled to capture the moment 🙂

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EXCELLENT! I’m so thrilled for you. I’m so glad the judges “got it.” ** throwing confetti and popping open the bubbly to help you celebrate **

YIPPEE!!! 😀 *grinning big enormous grins* (I read the title & thought, “well… shit.” You fooler, you. 😉

September 29, 2007

congrats 🙂 very proud of you…. *hugs*


September 30, 2007

Good for you hun! 🙂 Beautiful picture too! 🙂 Mmm! Hugs.

September 30, 2007

Congratulations. And good job on sleeping in. It’s an artist’s prerogative.

September 30, 2007


Excellent! You certainly do have an eye for good photography… a rising star, I think! 🙂