no one would listen

Just did my laundry. Drank a mt dew while doing so, which I haven’t done in several years. I think it was a mistake. Cuz now I’m all icky-dizzy-fuzzyheaded feeling. Like I’m gonna throw up or pass out. Laundry only cost me $11. Less than I thought it would. Tho I decided not to do a load of t-shirts, cuz I already had five loads in. (2 of which were bed sheets and blankets, so. Not *that* bad.)

Mobius is dead. :o( I don’t know why unless the water I put in his tank was yucky- I just cleaned his tank yesterday, but put half tap and half bottled, as I usually do. And de-chlorinator stuff, like I always do. But I just got home from doing laundry and went to feed him. And he didn’t go nutso like he usually does when I get near the tank with the green can (he knows it’s his food. It’s really kinda neat. Or. Was. Kinda neat. Or. Something.) I’ve had Mobie for…ever. Like….6 years, at least? Cuz I had him in college. And. Maybe I shouldn’t be so upset over a turtle who mostly just stayed in his tank anyways…but. :o( I’ve been thinking about getting rid of Satan and Rockie. Especially Satan, cuz it’s the most unfriendly animal I’ve ever known. I enjoy the snake but. He wasn’t mine to begin with and. *sigh* Whatever.

I have a shitload of cardio stuff to study for this quiz tomorrow. Tho it’s only 10 points and in the end, all the quizzes together only weighted at like, 1% of our final grade. So I should stress so much over it. Except every point counts in this program.

But doing all that laundry, plus doing everything I did yesterday and then being up late last nite at Em’s, and now Mobie and not feeling well and knowing that I have to work all nite until it’s time to leave work and go directly to school, where I will be until 6pm, getting me home around 7pm. And having to be to clinical at 7am the next day….over.whelmed. very much. very very very much. Just want to lay down. But I can’t afford to. FUCK.

I want to cry.

And I don’t know what to do with Mobius.

And my neighbors downstairs moved out, meaning the landlords are going to start showing that apt soon. Meaning they’ll prolly figure out I’ve 2 cats, which is 1 cat more than allowed on my lease. And since my lease is up, they can technically tell me to move tomorrow or any day, for that matter.

erm. ok. so. apparently mt dew? not so much.
yeah…bulemia? how the fuck do ppl do that? but i guess food doesn’t burn as much as bile does.
i don’t even have any fucking bread cuz i ate the last of it for breakfast.
ugh. it’s too hot in here. my stomach is rolling. and i’m in a pissy mood.


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September 25, 2005

Come join the fun! Read my diary, entry: NEW Idea If you play along, I’ll post your response! Cool diary btw!

September 25, 2005

I’m sorry about your turtle!

I’m very, very sorry about Mobius. *Hugs*

🙁 Sorry to hear about poor Mobius.