No babies :(

So, as I was walking into the student center today to give blood, I had to pass by the God Table. Basically a table with various god things, I assume, and a bunch of people standing around praising jesus. Which is fine. I wasn’t particularly pleased to have to pass it, but at least they didn’t look at me or talk to me.

But then, as I get farther into the building, there is a table full of military stuff with like, 5 camo boys standing around. I just put my head down and thought “please don’t speak to me, please don’t speak to me” But of course one of them waved his flyer under my nose and started his schpeal. I pointed to the rainbow ribbon on my bag and said “I’m gay, you don’t want me.” And walked on. He was like “…least…take a bookmark…?” I just rolled my eyes and said No Thanks.

I actually enjoyed that interaction quite a bit more than I probably should have. *g*

Clinical tonite SUCKED. There were three babies, but their mothers kept them in the rooms the whole time. Well, no, that’s not true…I got to wheel one from the nursery into its parents’ room. Poor little thing. He was breech, and his hips were completely dislocated, so he was in this brace that wrapped around his chest and held his tiny little legs in place. And you could tell it hurt him to move them cuz when the nurse was taking them out to poke his heel for blood, he had been completely calm while she undid them, until the point when she actually moved one of them and then he started howling. 🙁

Otherwise tho, there was NOTHING to do. There was one lady in labour, but she was still in labour when we left, only just getting to 7 centimeters. *sigh* I am pretty disappointed.

However, I did speak to my sister on my way home. I asked her if she dispensed the Morning After Pill (Plan B) and she said that Family Planning knows her, and she gets people from 2 hours away coming to her pharmacy because they know she dispenses it. :o) That made me smile.

My eye has been twitching all day and I wish it would stop.

Panels tomorrow. Wee. First one is going to be just Donnie and I. And Doc P, hopefully….

Need to sleep. Need to STUDY for pharm. Eep. If, after this exam, we have an A or a B with just our test grades, we can opt out of the final quiz. And we already don’t have to go to the last class if we went to the MS presentation they had a few weeks ago. Which means Thursday will probably be my last ever Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing class, since unless I bomb this exam horribly, I will definately have at least a B avg with test grades. And then, with all of the homeworks and attendance points and Med Application sheets added in, I’d say I definately have an A!!! That will be nice.

Ugh. Tired.

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They let someone give birth to a breech baby there??? Wow! My first was presenting breech and I was told I needed to have a c-section for that… maybe the dislocation thing is why?