New year. New, year.

Tried to write this yesterday but OD was being wankerish for me. So….
I just took a yoga class and I feel amazing. 🙂
heh. That was yesterday. Today I feel mildly sore!! But I know why. Damn Plank pose (I always skip it if it comes up on videos!!!). Push-up type pose. So now the muscles I engaged during that are letting me know they’re still there. Not painfully so, just noticably so. hehe.

Well. The old year ended rather nicely and the new year began quite nicely, so yay 🙂 Got to spend a week+ with AJ, travelling to and fro. Finally took her to meet my mum and I think everyone survived, so that’s good. Sister was there, and things still aren’t going…well, things just aren’t going with us. Dunno.

Spent Christmas Eve with M and her kids and B his boyfriend, and then went to ‘midnite’ mass, just like last year, and that was all quite nice. Next day to mum’s. Spent 2 days there. Shopped a bit. Then back home. Then to AJ’s. Shopped some more. Then to AJ’s bio-dad’s family get together. Then back home. (All with AJ). Then she went back to her home *pout*

My Little’s mum finally got a phone, so we set up a standing ‘date’- Thursdays at 430, for me to pick her up and hang out with her. Tonite’s the first nite of that. WoOt. No idea what we’ll do, eheh. But at least my apt’s still relatively clean from AJ being here. And HOPEFULLY knowing that the Little will be visiting at least once a week will inspire me to keep it cleaner. Eesh.

Just bought a snail. The plants in my tank are going haywire and I figure a snail is easier than cutting them. (Plan being that the snail eats them. Cuz J’s snail ate all of her plants. Now watch, mine won’t eat plants, lol) Oh well, they’re awfully fun to watch anyways. So alien-esque.

Decided to get a tattoo with a largish check that M gave me. But still trying to find the exact thing I want, which is difficult-ish. AJ’s also drawing me one, which I will also probably get at some point in the future, once it is finished and perfected. But for now, I have a solid idea of what I want and where I want it. And the two designs (the one I want now and the one AJ’s designing) have two totally different meanings. And right now, I’m at a place in my life where the one she’s designing doesn’t have the ‘right’ meaning. So I want to wait to get it until I can think about it in a different light. If that makes sense. Dunno.

So. Yoga once a week. I almost didn’t go, cuz M was s’posed to be going too but couldn’t cuz E was sick and she had no where to take the kids. I almost stayed and watched the kids and let *her* go, but then I decided to just go. I didn’t want to go alone, cuz I’m weird like that, even tho Yoga is essentially a non-group activity. heh. But it all turned out ok, as J ended up being there! lol. I really, really liked the class and am considering doing it twice a week. But I dunno if that’s allowed. But I just felt sooo much better afterwards. I dunno why I’m such a dork, I can’t do yoga properly on my own. I need someone standing there directing me. heh. Of course, it might be the environment, too. At home there’s often always a cat nudging me or attacking my hair or sitting in front of the tv or chewing on my mat (that M gave me 🙂 when I’m trying to do it. lah. Not that there aren’t distractions at SM where the class is- there are plenty– phones ringing, cash registers bleeping, people talking, the freezers humming and buzzing. And they did distract me. But I was better able to block them out or rather…just hear them and then focus back in on the instructor. I’m weird.

I will hafta post pictures soon, from xmas eve as well as the First Night activities (it was this town’s first attempt at “First Night”, and all in all I think it went very well!!) But not right now, cuz I gotta go get the Little. Wee…..

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January 4, 2007

call me tonight??

January 4, 2007

i missed you crazy style! “wankerish”. officially my new favorite word for at least 3 days. xoxo *~