My therapist has a drinking problem.

Seems she has some trouble with water. *nods*

So. My friend Jen mailed me (ok, myspaced me.) with a proposition that we give each other writing assignments. Her proposition was considerably longer than that, but that’s the short of it, and I don’t feel like c&p’ing the long of it. Since I can never think up things to write about, even when I want to write, I think this’ll be fun. Her first challenge:

right now i am in a bike-mood.
bike haiku, we each have an assignment !
write at least 3 haiku about bike-fun type memory things, or make an extended haiku with 3 stanzas.

My response:


My first grown-up en-
deavor. Strawberry pink and
completely first hand!

Three little girls, dusk
their only boundary. That
and “cardiac hills.”

Neon doo-dads on
spokes, streamers whipping. Morse code:
Endless summer days.
©pbp 7.5.06

Her next assignment is to write a 7 line poem about wood chips or mulch. (she works at a garden centre)

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July 5, 2006

I absolutely adore your baikus! Hugs.

July 5, 2006

a poem about mulch… heh. i look forward to that one 😉 *hugs*

=o) This reminded me of Airplane.

*applause* 🙂 (although as an exercise I absolutlely *adore* haiku. Baiku? Are you kidding me? Fabulous! xxoo,