My Apologies *edit- now with captions*

…to whomever was so kind and amazing and wonderful and generous as to purchase me those OD renewal/subscriptions. I feel bad for seeming to just drop off of the face of the ODEarth and not writing.

Words are just stagnant to me right now. In me. Whatever. *sigh*

Went with M and the kids to see Sesame Street (Ok, for a kids show alla bout spelling and stuff, why the hell is the name as such? How the heck does one spell “Sesame”? Seasame? Seseame? Sesame? Whatever….)

M knew one of the cast members, she was a former student. Actually, I knew her too and graduated with her. Didn’t know her very well in school because we…we were not on the same level. She fell way higher in the hierachy than I did, certainly. But she was nice and hilarious.

Here’s some pics. We were having huge camera issues, lol. But I got a few ok ones at least….

(Ha. Next on my WishList- A camera that can use a live view without draining the batteries in 20 seconds. Seriously…mine can’t be on live view cuz it eats batteries. It’s weird. And prolly a lot of the reason why it was so ‘cheap’)

M, RB, DB with Elmo and the Palettes.

RB and DB

I miss that sense of awe and amazement. heh.

Know what he said when I told him he didn’t need any more toys?
*exasperated sigh* It’s not a toy, it’s a souvenier
Oh. Of course. *rolls eyes*

The dancing was pretty amazing. How they do that day after day in those costumes. Oi.

I want that scarf.

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I’m sorry I don’t know/remember her name if it’s been used here, but I love the close-up photo of the little girl watching the show. She looks very invested in it. =o)

Looks to me like Elmo is a player.

I love the photo of DB. =oP

I miss that too… that sense of awe. (ps. I know it’s been driving you insane so I’ll fess up… I bought one of your OD renewals… 🙂 & you don’t have to apologize for dropping off the face of ODEarth cuz I do that lots as well. 😀 xxoo,