
Went to a mtg today. Discussed part of Step 12, which is waaaay farther down the road than I am. But I still gain things from the discussions, obviously. Was supposed to have coffee with La after, cuz she called me last nite pretty frantic about some shit that’s going down. But she decided she wasn’t up to having visitors, so I went grocery shopping and picked up some of my prescriptions and had a bowl of soup at Michelle’s instead. And now I think I’ll curl up with a bag of chips and watch more American Horror Story, while it’s still light out :op

I know, I know, this is boring and mundane information. I’m just trying to get back in to the swing of writing. Just as I’m trying to get back in to the swing of running. The rec center is closed today or I’d go out for a run. I’m thinking of running outside, but the cold really gets to me and makes it far less enjoyable than it should be. Not to mention, my quads are SO SORE from the last two days of running and stationary biking. So p’raps it’s good that I take today off, and I’ll try for an outside run tomorrow.

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Yes *you* need a day of rest too! 🙂

January 7, 2013

Oustide running in the cold kills me every time. Of course almost any kind of running kills me but the cold is extra harsh. Give me my warm bedroom, my elliptical machine and 30 minutes of SpongeBob Squarepants and I’m good.