moving, maybe??

So….(hey, I just noticed it is 5/5…maybe that’s why today seemed to go so well….5 and 8 are my “lucky” numbers….)

So. I worked at FH all day today. Saw many ppl I know, including KC, J, L, and my Little’s mom. Found out how the custody hearing went…Little now goes to her father’s every other weekends and on Wednesday evenings. Lah.

So. I also got a few new books to read (One by Alice Walker and another called “Why I’m This Way” which is hilarious so far. Very David Sedaris-ish, but possibly better, cuz it’s by a woman! (I can relate more))

I also found out that the job I thought I didn’t get, apparently I got??? They just didn’t bother to call and tell me. So hopefully I’ll be doing some TSS work this summer (for a different organization than I work for now)

And I might get free guitar lessons, in exchange for some very light house cleaning.

And I might have a new place to live. RENT FREE. In exchange for yard work, pet sitting, and occasional cover at the FH. Elisabeth has a small “guest room” above her garage, that she’s not allowed to actually charge rent for. Her husband just had a heart attack and won’t be able to do all the stuff he used to, like heavy yard work and such, for a little while. E and I were sitting on the porch just chatting today during a lull in business, and she mentioned the proposition. She’s gonna talk to her husband more tonite and see what he thinks.

The space is smaller than my current apartment, and I’d have to get rid of a lot of stuff (or store it in their garage or m’s attic or somewhere) but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. And it would be rent free. Free utilities, except phone- and I’d probably not even get a phone, cuz I only use my land line for internet anyways. And I’d just finally go ahead and get wireless service or whatnot, since it’s about equal to phone + current isp.

Really, it’s essentially one room. Well, two, cuz there’s a bathroom. But I’m drowning right now, and a few months without having to pay rent could maybe help me out a whole helluva lot. And I certainly don’t mind yard work…I think it would probably seriously help out with the depression anyways. I like being out in the sun, but I’m not one to sit and tan and such, so it would give me the perfect reason to be outside.

Of course, currently the place is stuffed full of auction stuff (that’s what the FH is…an antique/book/collectibles/random stuff store) So there’s moving all of that out that I’d have to do. And moving my stuff in, which I dread thinking about, as I detest having to haul stuff up the stairs (tho, it’s only one flight up, so that’s better than three. And no horrible tight corners like my current apt)

But E is ok with pets, and she trusts me and I trust her, and the garage isn’t even attached to the house so I wouldn’t be bothersome to her and vice versa.

There is no bathtub. But E has a clawfoot tub in her house that I’m sure I’d be welcome to use, and my last apt didn’t have a bathtub I could use anyways.

There are windows on all four walls. And cabinets in the kitchen for plates (don’t have that now). No closet, but there’s an…armoire…thing. And although I have a shit load of clothes right now, I don’t wear a large portion of them, and could get rid of about 60 t-shirts and such, and very little of what I own actually needs to be hung.

It has wood floors and a huge tall ceiling, but of course the walls are kinda like my current place– none are actually full walls, cuz of the eaves and such. But that doesn’t bother me. And the bathroom is probably almost the same size floor as my current one, just one wall is slanted.

But. Rent and utility free?? That would save me….what…..500 a month, if not way more. What do I pay now? 310 for rent…the others are hard to figure out, cuz I’m behind on all of them….but about 30-50 for electric. 100-200 for gas. I don’t pay water or sewage right now. 20 for phone. 17 for internet.

It would mean a summer of hard work…probably constant work, too….cuz TSS, plus housecleaning, plus yard work, plus working at the shop, plus babysitting, plus the psych center when they need me….And gawd knows I’m not a stranger to working myself to death. But…for a change, I’d maybe be *making* money, instead of losing it…? Maybe??

I mean, it seems like a no-duh kind of situation, right? How can I turn it down? All the cons are comfort-related (smaller space, hassle of moving)

I’m actually kind of really excited that it might happen. And, it’s about the same distance away from “town” (main street) as I am now, tho slightly farther away from M’s (ya know, a whole….4 blocks away, instead of two…) And it’s closer to L’s (guitar lessons/house cleaning).

Oops, gotta go pick up M’s kids!

Happy Cinco De Mayo…..

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…this is such great news!!! I’m happy for you! (I think the cons are small in relation to the benefits you stand to reap as well, myself. 🙂 Yippee!! (((hugs)))

May 5, 2007


I hope the new place works out for you. Rent free. =o)

May 5, 2007

Oh, WOOT! Rent free, says me, yippee! 😀

May 6, 2007

Sounds good to me.