
Heh. Em finished her paper. Oi. I delivered her some cheez fryz from Sheetz and then hung out while she typed and I proofed some and did some crisis control, as the girl hasn’t slept but 3 hours in the last 24 and was nearing the end of her rope.

I was glad I could help.

Before that tho, was open mic. M was there, for part of it, for her knitting group. Got to talk to her, and that was nice. She mentioned how I seemed to be doing well, and that she liked it 🙂 Chatted with H online tonite and she said I seemed different. I asked if that was good or bad and she said “we shall see…” I’m going to visit her next week.

Open mic was nice. Here are some more pics from it.

The chandelier that I love SOOOO much 🙂

Same, only photoshopped (the first one isn’t. I just caught some awesome light!)

This one was all fuzzy, but I still like it.

My poetry, thru rose-ish coloured glasses? lol…

Me, reading! *snap snap snap*

Jen reading

Em preparing to read

Adelina, fishing it up

We kind of have a running joke that I have NO normal pics of Adelina. LOL. It’s just funny, I always catch her doing weird things.

I like the coffee cup 🙂

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…I think I’d like Adelina!! 😀 Stands up and cheers & claps for you!! Woo-hoo!! 🙂 These were fun “vicarious” visiting pictures, I think!

The photoshopped chandelier looks like an intergalactic space amoeba. Very cool! =o) I wish I had something like an open mic night, even though I don’t have any poetry to share.

May 4, 2006

^^^ an intergalactic space amoeba? LOL…that made my day 😉

May 5, 2006

aww…i want to go to a poetry reading. xoxo *~

thank you, sweetness you rock.