morality. bridges.

—heh. I just managed to erase all of these links. But retreived them from History about 11.59pm. eheh. Good times. *rolls eyes*—-

I just took a (dozen or so) online quizzes and one of them, for the “Marital Status” had Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Same-Sex Partnered


Check out my Morality! 78% liberal, 22% conservative

My Music Personality

88 % enjoys reflective and complex music
24 % enjoys edgy and aggressive music
74 % enjoys fun and simple music
7 % enjoys energetic and upbeat music

Check out my blirtatiousness!
Your response type:
Your responses indicate that you’re low in blirtatiousness. Low scorers don’t usually say the first thing that comes to mind; rather, they tend to hesitate and deliberate before responding to others. One reason you feel compelled to be careful in responding to others is because you are worried about being evaluated negatively. Often people low in blirtatiousness are shy and introverted and tend to dwell on thoughts internally instead of discussing them with others. Because low-blirters sometimes have difficulty saying how they feel, they may sometimes fail to get their needs met in relationships.

Your self-criticalness:
You scored in the moderate range on the criticalness scale. This means that you tend to rate yourself as neither high nor low on the following dimensions: critical, judgmental, moody, controlling, dominant, patient, warmth, and tolerance.

I’m 21% freak!!

I’m a O53-C52-E4-A74-N84 Big Five!!

I’ve been sitting here listening to a Tracy Chapman cd from AJ’s music files. This one song keeps playing over and over (redundant much…..). And. Just.


My hands…smell of gardenias.

All the bridges that you burn
Come back one day to haunt you
One day you’ll find you’re walking
Baby I
Never meant to hurt you
Sometimes the best intentions
Still don’t make things right
But all my ghosts they find me
Like my past they think they own me
In dreams and dark corners they surround me
Till I cry I cry
Let me take this time to set the record straight
Let me take this time to take it all back
Let me take this time to tell you how I felt
Let me take this time to try and make it right
But you can
Walk away
Be all alone
Spend all your time
Thinking about the way things used to be
If love feels right
You work it out
You don’t give it up
Anybody tell you that
Anybody tell you that
Anybody tell you that
You should take some time maybe sleep on it tonight
You should take some time baby heed the words I say
You should take some time think about your life
You should take some time before you throw it all away
I ain’t got the time
To sit here and wait around
But I got the time
If you say I’m what you want

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