Mock Up

Wee….I saw the mock-up of the literary art journal that I assistant edited? That I am an assistant editor for. I am SO excited, they only mocked about 20 pages but it is already 100 times better than last years! We’ll even have *colour* pages this year! Excitement!

What else…I got up and went over to see the mock up, but Dr S was in class so I went over to the psych dept and sat and talked to J for a bit while she was grading some stuff, then went down and talked to Doc P cuz Buss called while I was talking to J, and she was having break-line issues on her car, so. Doc P talked to her on my phone while I talked to Diana and Lisa. They asked if I had seen Homie and that if I did, that I had to kick her ass to see J. lol. Tho, the situation isn’t lol’able. Let me just say that I’m about 2 seconds away from being the prototype for the Men-hating dyke stereotype. *grrr’s*

Anyhow. After all that, and seeing the mock up, I went to wally world and bought a card and a smile-face balloon and a little stuffed elephant. I wrote out the card and tied the balloon around the elephant’s neck and set it in front of Homie’s apartment door. It looked mighty cute sitting there, if I do say so myself. 🙂 After a bit I called her, to make sure she was stopping by her apt before heading home for the weekend, and she happened to be walking up the stairs, so we were on the phone when she started squealing. *giggolz* She liked it, I think. It made her smile, at least, which was the point. AND she got a job that she applied for. Which is about 40 minutes away so she will probably move when her lease ends. Which will make me sad. But I’m happy for her that she got the job. I hope she likes it.

We talked for about 20 minutes and now it’s only about 5pm. I was considering going to bed. But. I decided to treat myself while I was getting that stuff for Homie, and I bought a 10 dollar dvd (Labyrinth!!!!! One of my childhood FAVOURITES), so I believe that I’ll curl up on my couch and watch that and then perhaps do the dishes, or perhaps go to bed. At *some* point this week, I desperately need to do laundry as I’m just about out of clean unmentionables! eek. And I also need to pay bills and do my readings for the GI system AND write a buttload of poetry. Eeeeeep. Seems kind of alot. But I will get it all done.

Starting tomorrow. *g*

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Isn’t it a wonderful feeling to see something you’ve worked on creatively, finally start to come together? Congrats. =o) That was also nice of you to leave the gift elephant. =o)