
it’s a mistake for me ever to be in a good mood.

cuz the bad that comes after?

After a nonstop nite at work (that I hadn’t really gotten a chance to sleep during the day beforehand), I took laundry to M’s and put it in and let the dog out and then took my car to get looked at.

Walked over to school and chatted with J for a few minutes to try and be calm and un-worried about the car. Walked home to M’s, flipped the laundry, turned on the mattress warmer thing on her bed and fell asleep. Musta slept hard cuz I didn’t even HEAR the phone ring when the car people called. Called them when I woke up but they must’ve been out to lunch. Called again a little later and was informed that my car has a leaking head gasket.

That will cost five hundred dollars to fix.



(oh, and that they’d need the car for 2 days at least.)

Right. So.

Tried calling numerous ppl, no one was around tho, so I stared at the ceiling for a bit and then called J, as I was faltering between “It’s ok, I’ve been driving it this way for months. As long as I keep oil in it, it’ll be fine.” and “fuckfuckfuckfuck i can’t afford this, nor do i want to!!!” The damn car is 8 years old, has like, 115 thousand miles or something on it, and has had more work and money put in to it than I PAID for it. Well. Maybe not *more*, but this $500 would get it pretty damn close. Yet. I certainly can’t afford a new (used) car. I still have more than a year left to pay off on the one I have NOW.

Then as I was checking my checking acct online to see if I had enough $$ to pay the bill by check (since, ya know, my credit card bill is so high all of a sudden that even the monthly payments are almost impossible to make????) and Jen calls me, needing a ride to the assistance office. Which, granted, we had arranged a few days ago, but still. Wasn’t in the mood. But. Walked to get my car, paid them, drove her to the office which thankfully didn’t take too long. Drove her home and here I am at home. Shoulda gone back to M’s to fold laundry, etc. But my laundry basket wasn’t there anyways. But I am s’posed to be house/pet sitting for her. lah. I just want to sleep in my own bed for a few hours with my cats curled around me. Then I’ll go back over and finish my laundry and stuff until I have to go back to work tonite.

Better be a whole lot slower than last nite. *sigh*


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-big smushy hug- i totally understand, sweetness. totally.

=o/ It’s almost to the point that I begin worrying whenever something good happens, because it seems like the bad thing is waiting for me just around the corner. =o(

January 23, 2006
January 23, 2006

maybe, if you look, the bad times/moods are always eventually followed by good times/moods too.

January 24, 2006

Lordy. I hate cars. I often remember with fondness the day my car broke down on the entrance ramp of a multistorey carpark and I burst into tears and yelled at it so loudly that I scared the little guy in the booth that collects the money. Aaaah, good times.