Mini Study Break

Wow. It’s nearly 530pm and other than when I came home from work this morning, I haven’t had my computer on at all! How’s *that* for self-discipline?! eheh.

And, I only have a few minutes for this, cuz I need to get back to studying.

Of course, the weekend before my first huge important Nursing Process exam, I work three nights in a row. Three busy-as-all-get-out nights. Seriously. The first two nights, I worked my ass off and *still* didn’t have time to get everything done that was supposed to get done. And that was even *with* 5.5 staff (someone stayed over for part of the shift) The census on the kids unit is unbelievable. 30 + 2, meaning, 30 sleeping on the unit and 2 who come to the unit during the day, but sleep on the Adult unit cuz there aren’t enough beds. It’s insane and inhumane and not at all therapeutic. We are (and by We I mean all shifts, not just night shift) are understaffed and overworked and it’s just getting ridiculous. If I could find another job and if I weren’t so damn loyal, I’d be gone from there.)


So I’ve been getting some studying in here and there. Friday night I took a break and went to The Vagina Monologues and then to EnP with a few people, and then another group of friends showed up, so we sat in back-to-back booths and it was rather fun. The Monologues were awesome. Still not as wonderful as the first year, in my opinion, but they were better this year than the last 2, I think. Buss was in them this year, and that’s who I went out to dinner with. Her and a crazy, crazy girl from my poetry class whom I adore. (Emily) She’s uber-cute in that funky personality kind of a way. And Emily’s boyfriend (I think?) Marcus, who works at MC. 🙂 I found out that I am older than him, which, for some reason, really threw me off guard! Eheh. Anyways. And then there was another mutual friend of Buss and Emily’s, which is how we all ended up sitting together. Then while we were there, Jay and Beeker and Donnie showed up. So. Good times.

Last nite at work wasn’t too horrible. I mean, I worked my ass off, but I got everything done, mostly, that needed to be done. Tho both Donna and Mary ended up doing their own copying, which is generally the float’s duty. But I spent, and I kid you not, FOUR solid hours checking in belongings. Oi vey.

But there were no admissions other than one that was waiting for his nsg assessment when we came on shift. So that was good.

Oops, time’s almost up.

M called and left a msg. My phone was off but for some reason I got up and checked it a few minutes ago. She needs me to babysit, so I said I would.

AHHHH. My phone just rang again. This time from work. I’m not answering it. I CANNOT work tonite. I WILL NOT work tonite!

Anyways. So I’m gonna get back to studying now (Rape-Trauma syndrome. Fun. lah.) and then pick the kids up at 8, take them home, get them snacks and stuff and toss them in bed, and then proceed to study! Lah.

Eww. They had a calloff. That sucks. Gonna put them *way* short.

Not my responsibility not my responsibility not my problem not my problem not my problem…..

Ack. I’ve gone three minutes over my alloted limit. Must go!

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February 13, 2005

happy early Vday!@}~’~~~~~~