memorialized — day 1/2

Lovely weekend….FINALLY saw Lou after…what….2 years? Eeesh. Took long enough. Had a lovely time tho. Worked at the FH on Saturday morning, and then Lou came by and we hung out for a while. Went to Vinny’s for dinner, and then out to her cabin. Which, as it turns out, is about 8 minutes away from the school I work at every day. heh.

Of course, I knew I’d be spending the night, just cuz I know her mum, lol. Said Hello to her family, went down the road and met some more of her family and friends (although, I guess more accurately, I re-met several of them, since I’d known a few since childhood). Then Lou took me around to all of the things I never knew were in my own backyard, so that was fun.

Back to her camp we went. Bonfire and a few hours of hide-n-go seek with a set of 7 year old twins til it got too dark to see. Stories and s’mores. Unfortunately no stars, as it was cloudy. And then back to Lou’s family’s cabin to sleep.

Next day we went out to R &P’s cabin, which is RIGHT on the river. Lou and I took a canoe out and explored a little island a little way aways. Got back and finished cooking dinner just in time for a downpour! The timing was fine tho, cuz we got everything moved inside before it started pouring. And then we drove back to her cabin and I drove home.

Today, Em and I hung out at the river closer to home. (Lou’s cabin is about 30 mins from here, but R&P’s is about another 20 from there) Walked out to some rocks and just hung out. I took my camera and Em took her guitar. It was lovely. Got slushies on our way home, and then walked around campus for a bit, more guitar playing. Then I walked home and she went home.

I’m EXHAUSTED!!!!!!!!!!!

But I got some neat pics.

Lou and I at the campfire.


Lou with one of the twins, being taught how to use the cellphone walkie talkies that they have

I know, this pic is fuzzy, but I was trying out some of the settings on my camera. And it’s still viewable and the laughter is too cute!

It was about 11pm. Night soccer! Those kids kept going and going and going until they were made to sit down. And then they pretty much passed out, *grin*

Wading in the Allegheny

Still doing so! (the “slime” on the water is actually pollen and not slime)

Just a view of the river

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Sounds like a great weekend. Love the pics of you in the water. Check out those sexy legs! =o)

reading backwards & loving the pics. 🙂