meme from beeker, continual editation.

Step 1: Open up whatever MP3 program you use and add every song in your collection.
Step 2: Put it on random.
Step 3: Pick your favorite lines from the first 15 songs that play, no matter how embarassing the song.
Step 4: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 5: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly.

(heh. The first one was actually Moonlight Sonata, but I can’t put lyrics or lines down for that….)

(And wow, this came up with a lot of obscure songs. heh. Guess that happens when you have like, 1100 (1097, I think) mp3s. heh.)

1. Ziggy Stardust, Bauhaus- Yay SM!
Ziggy played for time
Jiving us that we were voodoo
But the kids were just crass
He was the nazz, with God-given ass
He took it all too far
But boy, could he play guitar

I can’t understand myself anymore
But I m still feeling lonely
Feeling so unholy

Cos the child roses like
Tries to reveal what I could feel
But this loneliness
It just won’t leave me alone

3. I Can Be Your Friend, VeggieTales- Yay AJ!
Ya were all pretty different some are skinny some are stout
But the inside is the part were supposed to care about
Aye! thats why we have feelings that are very much the same
So instead of saying wierdo i think friends a better name

The snows they melt the soonest when the wind begins to sing
And the bee that flew when summer shone in winter cannot sting
And I’ve seen a woman’s anger melt between the night and morn
So it’s surely not a harder thing to melt a woman’s scorn

So bid me not farewell, you hear, nor farewell I’ll receive
For you will be with me, my love, then you’ll kiss and take your leave
And I’ll wait here till the moorcock calls and the marten takes the wing
For the snows they melt the soonest when the wind begins to sing

Well I’d rather you be mean than love and lie
I’d rather hear the truth and have to say goodbye
I’d rather take a blow at least then I would know
But baby don’t you break my heart slow

At your command before you here I stand
My heart is in my hand – yecch
It’s here that I must be
My heart entreats, just hear those savage beats
And go put on your cleats and come and trample me

The boy with the bloated belly
Hears today’s trucks arrive
He puts down his baby sister
And makes his way outside

Truth faced leaves a strange taste
When joy and sadness meet
A country rain on a city street
This life is bittersweet

You laugh at every joke
Drag your blanket blindly
Fill your heart with smoke
And the first thing that you want
Will be the last thing you ever need
Thats how you fight it

9. Grey, Ani DiFranco- Yay Tiger!!
but as bad as i am
i’m proud of the fact
that i’m worse than i seem

what kind of paradise am i looking for?
i’ve got everything i want and still i want more
maybe some tiny shiny key
will wash up on the shore

you walk through my walls
like a ghost on tv
you penetrate me

10. Insane, Damian Rice- Yay SB! (Close enough ;o)
Should I go
If she calls out my name?
And if she bleeds
Should I wipe up the stain?
And if I’m low
Can I drown in this rain?
I guess I’m no good
I guess I’m insane

11. Landslide, Tori Amos (But really without hearing it, there’s no possible way to know that. :o) Yay PoD!
(this is an easy one, but not by the original artist)
Can the child within my heart rise above
Can I sail through the changing ocean tides
Can I handle the seasons of my life

I lost my eyes in the blacksmiths shop in the year of 56
while cleaning out a T-planch that was out of fix
it bounded up from out of the thongs and there concealed my doom
I am a blind fiddler and far from my home

I’ve been to San Francisco, I’ve been to Dr Lane
He operated on one of my eyes, nothing could he gain
he says I will be blind for life, there’s no use to mourn
I’m a blind fiddler and far from my home

13. Sign of the Times, Queensyrche. Yay Dove!! (And I agree, Silent Lucidity is my FAV of theirs)
Heading for the classroom yesterday
The kids file through the metal machine
It finds what they may hide
No it just ain’t right…
Would someone please let me know how we have spun out of control?
Has the captain let go of the wheel?
Or could we please try to find a way to be a bit more kind?
I see the road to tomorrow in the haze!

14. Power of Two, Indigo Girls. Yay PoD!
five miles out of the city limit we’re singing
and your hand’s upon my knee
so we’re okay
we’re fine
baby i’m here to stop your crying
chase all the ghosts from your head
i’m stronger than the monster beneath your bed
smarter than the tricks played on your heart
we’ll look at them together then we’ll take them apart
adding up the total of a love that’s true

15. I’ll Cover You Reprise, Rent. yay Dove!!
But sweet kisses I’ve got to spare
I’ll be there — I’ll cover you
I think they meant it
When they said you can’t buy love
Now I know you can rent it
A new lease you were, my love, on life
All my life
I’ve longed to discover
Something as true
As this is

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11, landslide, dixie chicks.

14. indigo girls. “power of two.”

1. David Bowie, “Ziggy Stardust” I’m otherwise stumped. 🙂

January 13, 2006

this was fun… fun, fun fun… you should do this again 🙂 ok… my turn. #10 … i know this song, but since i can’t google it i can’t remember the name. if i give you some lyrics from it will that be good enough? the last name is…. Rice i think. i think… “i guess i’m not good, i guess i’m insane//and i hate when you say that i never fight for you … that good enough? 🙂 this was fun *hug*

January 14, 2006

#10 I’ll cover you; Rent :> I LOVE that song. I cried like a…person who is crying…through that whole movie, waiting for the inevitable…normally, I don’t play the second disk of the soundtrack. I like better where the first one leaves off 😛

January 14, 2006

Oh…#13, stupid, I can’t remember the title. Queensryche 😛 Something about the times. It’s the one that I like second best to silent lucidity 😛

January 14, 2006

Err..and the one where I said #10, I meant #15, obviously 😛

Ooo #9 is Grey by Ani… 🙂 I love that song.

this was really difficult!! 🙂 and fun.

#3 “I can be your friend” -Veggietales -AJ 🙂