
Wedding was lovely. AJ’s family is really sweet, had some great conversations. Danced a little. On our drive home (it was about an hour away), we saw fireworks in the sky. So we pulled over and watched them til they were over. :o) Nice to have someone who will/wants to do things like that….

Baby Z…*sigh* Didn’t have to do a central line or frontal site. Got an IV in his arm, arm is strapped to a board so that he can’t move it. Started the Immuno Globulins at a slow rate, in case he had a reaction to them. Which he did. Sent his heart rate up to 200. *screams*

They flushed it and are going to try again at a slower rate later.


J called and left me a msg, which I just got. Which made me feel so much better, just cuz. Yay for AJ being here. If she weren’t, I’d prolly look like..chopped liver…by now.

The end.

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July 31, 2005


July 31, 2005

I love fireworks