man hating dykes

Lah. My throat hurts. At least my nose isn’t stuffy anymore tho. yay. But I’m close to losing my voice again. Hopefully this will progress the same as it did last time, which would mean I’ll be all better in 2 or 3 days. I still need to call Dr H tomorrow tho, as I’m long overdue for tsh and t4 levels to be drawn. not to mention i’ve maybe been on the multivitamin long enough that i’m not so anemic that she’ll yell at me about it. *sigh*

ended up going over to em’s tonite. hadn’t planned on it, but then she called and said she’d pick me up and i hadn’t eaten today, so i figured what the hey. so she picked me up and we had eggs. then went over to the listening lab so she could work on some homework. talked to aj, yay, for a while. *sigh* miss her, muchly. lah. then went -back- to em’s, first stopping for cheezy fryz, as they call them, and watched Chasing Amy. Good times, good times. I want/ed alcohol, badly, but she said No. heh. Not that I couldn’t’ve left and got my own. But. *shrugs* I guess she’s right that I don’t need anything to accentuate my already depressed mood. eheh. pshaw. Then she drove me home and here I sit. Not sleeping cuz I spent much of the day in bed. I just ate a big bowl of ice cream, whcih I’m sure I’ll pay for later, but my throat hurt really bad, so.

So. I posted that entry a few days ago, titled rape. A few of my faves reposted it (thank you) and one sent me a note:

Was I wrong to copy and post the rape entry? There’s an ass who keeps harassing me about it, saying I shouldn’t even be talking about it because I’m a guy. What’s your opinion on that? If you think I should take it down, I will.

Heh. I have, honestly, 2 guys on my faves list. And that’s prolly why. Guys are idiots. I mean. Wait. Not the guy who left me that note, lol. But the guy leaving HIM notes. Like…HELLO! The POINT of the entry? Was that guys need to open their eyes and let each other know that rape is NOT ok, is NOT cool, is NOT acceptable, and should NOT be condoned. It was to say that not only should we make sure our girls are aware of the dangers out there, but also that our boys are aware that THEY have a responsibility, too. Actually, it was to say that it’s ALL the boys’ responsibility. That girls shouldn’t have to fear leaving their drink on a counter while they go to the ladies room….it’s not leaving a drink unattended that is the problem. It’s the dickhead who thinks it’s OK to spike the drink with something to knowck the girl out so that he can have sex with her without her putting up a fight.

Yes. Girls need to be careful, and wary, and knowledgable in the best ways to “prevent” rape. But the point is…girls shouldn’t HAVE to be. They shouldn’t HAVE to be protecting themselves. They shouldn’t HAVE to think of themselves as possible victims.

Why is that so difficult to understand? That men simply don’t have the RIGHT to take what they want?

And. Yes. I’m being…whatever the word is…biased? Something. I know that women are also sometimes perps of rape, so I suppose my anger should be aimed at “perps” and not just “guys”.

But anyways. My take on it is that guys NEED to talk about it. Guys NEED to confront their buddies who brag about forcing themselves unwantedly on their partners or random girls. Guys NEED to talk about it more than girls do, I think.

But that’s just my take.

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Thanks. I needed to hear that. =o) RYN: Want some more beads? >=o) I’m actually running kinda low, though. I may have to borrow some.

I hope you get to feeling better. You should drink some honey lemon tea if you can. It always helps my throat.