mama mia. And random pics

Wow. I just talked to mum on the phone for nearly 20 whole minutes and I don’t feel like complete shit afterwards. *blinks* Miracles never cease. heh.

She’s having total knee replacement surgery in August. She’s so…obstinate? Stubborn? Something. She’s like “They gave me this book to read and told me I had to go and do this this and this and etc…and I was like, no way buster…” Like…they gave her the instructions JUST to inconvenience her?? heh. She is not exactly trusting of anyone doctors. To say the least. Ah well.

Here’re some pics I’ve been taking.

My stuffed animals in the corner 🙂

Spider web I saw at work the other morning. Photoshopped a bit. (just a bit. *grin*)

I dunno if these were mushrooms or what. But I was walking past the courtyard at work and saw them outside and they just looked so…weird. And surreal. And alien-esque, that I had to take a picture of them. Of course, I’d prolly get fired or something if they knew I had a camera at work. But it’s not like I take pics of the patients or the building or anything. I just had it so I could get a pic of the killdeer. (coming up soon)

Not actually photoshopped that much.

I was annoying the poor thing. It had eggs on its nest. She let me get like, inches away from her but wouldn’t leave her nest! But her mate was a couple hundred yards away doing his broken wing thing.

The killdeer. This is about as far as she got off her nest.

I was trying to get a pic of ‘Dora in front of the computer, cuz she is always hopping in to my lap then climbing on to the computer desk. But the way the monitor was glowing, it came out looking like she had a shrunken head. It reminds me of Beetleguese. Beetlejuice? I haven’t watched that in forever!

This shot is better, heh. Dunno if I used the flash this time or last time or whatever> But at least she doesn’t look like she has no head!

Bedtime. I’m exhausted. And I work again tonite. eef.

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June 25, 2006

Wow that killdeer, I don’t think i’ve ever seen one of those before. And it did look like your cat was just sitting there, w/o a head, LOL!! That is pretty crazy that they had to give her “instructions” but I think i’d be a little hesitant, and would want the best too. 😉 Those mushroom look-a-like things are cool have a good one!

June 25, 2006

very cool

*g* (I’ve not watched Beetlejuice in ages, myself! 🙂 Those mushroomy things are quite surreal/alien-ish looking! Sweet!

My Dad is like that with his docs all the time… he’s constantly being told my his regular doc that he thinks my Dad is on WAY too many meds… My Dad scoffs & says, “those doctors… they don’t know anything!” …??? 🙂

June 25, 2006

*gasp*! we have a stuffed animal hammock too! i knew i liked you for some reason 😉 the feminist in me is also trying to speak up about my situation…at least i finally found a doctor that is trying to figure out the problem and not just telling me that it’s in my head or something. i don’t trust doctors either. it’s where i’m stubborn too. xoxox *~

Nice pictures! The shrunken head one is pretty bizarre looking. So does your cat always read your email?

Dora has a beautiful coat. And those look like mutant hybrid dandilion-mushrooms. Odd. I also like your stuffed animal net *but* I’m more intrigued by what appears to be an Angelina stand-up. Oh, the fun I could have with one of those. >=o)

RYN: Yes, I agree, Vincent is a very good name for him. And I *love* the song. Oddly enough, though, it was Vincent Price I had in mind when I named him. “When they decided to play their little game of murder, they should have realized I was playing too.” -House on Haunted Hill Hee hee. =o)

ryn: Hush you, she’s been saving herself for me. That’s why her kids are adopted. OK, maybe not. Heheh. 😉

ryn: If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me? No? Ah well, it was worth a shot. 😉

RYN: no – used to do that @ cigna and at aetna. but now i’m in supplemental benefits. i’m actually the claims examiner that requests information from the doctor’s ofc’s and shit like that. we like to pay these people, rather than have them pay us. 🙂

*g* re: your email–I was so sidetracked by the REAL kitty in front of the monitor that I didn’t notice the other kitty on top of it. 😀 xxoo,