Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did….


The short version:

Work called me last nite. I went in. Had to work with McDidiot and another not-so-favourite employee (Tho, boy she grew on me last nite, by matter of comparison…). Stayed all nite, tho they could’ve done fine without me this morning. The 1:1 they called me in for was asleep when I got there, and so heavily medicated due to the eve’s behaviour, that he wasn’t up even by the time we left. He’s not the only reason they called me, there were admissions and such when they came on. But I couldn’t even get there til 1, and by then most everything was quiet.

And now I’m exhausted and need to study but have to be to work again tonite. I just slept for 5 hours or so, and I was hoping that’d be enough, but it wasn’t. I just feel gross and my head hurts.

ANd my frigging keyboard is dying and I don’t have the right kind of batteries for it.

AND I remember why it was so important that I go to Wally world after work this morning. I have no toothpaste. I guess I’ll stop in quick before work. *sigh*

I feel like I’m pushing and shoving and getting nowhere. Just hitting a brick wall.

I’m frustrated.

And I have no food and this poptart tastes disgusting.

and why the FUCK is it SNOWING on the 24th of MARCH??????

When I Fall
I look straight in the window, try not to look below
Pretend I’m not up here, try counting sheep
But the sheep seem to shower off this office tower
Nine-point-eight straight down I can’t stop my knees.

I wish I could fly
From this building, from this wall
And if I should try,
would you catch me if I fall?

My hands clench the squeegee, my secular rosary
Hang on to your wallet, hang on to your rings
Can’t look below me, or something might throw me
Curse at the windstorms that October brings.

I look in the boardroom; a modern pharaoh’s tomb
I’d gladly swap places, if they care to dive
They’re lined up at the window, peer down into limbo
They’re frightened of jumping, in case they survive.

I wish I could step from this scaffold
onto soft green pastures, shopping malls, or bed
With my family and my pastor and my grandfather who’s Dead

Look straight in the mirror, watch it come clearer
I look like a painter, behind all the grease
But paintings creating, and I’m just erasing
A crystal-clear canvas is my masterpiece

I wish I could fly
From this building, from this wall
And if I should try,
would you catch me when I fall?

(randomly: I think, of all the cd’s on J’s shelf in her therapy office, the one that surprises me the most is the Barenaked Ladies one. And I’m not quite sure why.)

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March 25, 2005

giant hugs…