Love Your Batboy **edit**

Yeah so. I was up (as in, physically doing things) until 230am. And yet, I was still laying in bed watching the sun rise at 430. And 630. Then I think maybe I fell asleep a little bit, but now it’s only 1030am and I’m awake again.

This does not bode well for my future, as I work tonite til 7am, then have an in-service from 8am-noon, and then have to go meet with Dr F at 3. *sigh*

I managed to get some stuff done yesterday, in addition to the dishes. I also pooper-scooped the dragon’s cage. Fed the snake. Cleaned out the car, such as it is. And. Uh. That’s about all. Oh. Well, I did spend several hours working on a webpage for the prof I work for. Thank goodniess T was around or I would’ve sent Mercury thru the window, as the tables were driving me insane and I just couldn’t get it to look how I wanted it to look. I still didn’t get it to look like my original(ish) idea, but, I do think it looks pretty damn kewl. I was aiming for simple, but….stylish? I dunno….simple, stylish, functional, and quick loading. I think I mostly accomplished that. Dr F hasn’t been much help in the design process, as I had *no* idea how she wanted it to look and apparently neither did she. I had made a skeleton for her that was essentially a replica of a few of the other prof’s pages and eventually she was able to kind of pick out some things she liked, but still nothing concrete as far as layout goes. I was even like “Ok. Well. What colours do you want it to be??” She didn’t care. *rolls eyes* So. Surprisingly enough, I didn’t make it purple and teal, which are the colours I generally end up with no matter what I’m doing. But she’s more of an earthy-ish person, I think. And I gathered from her office that she likes flower-plant type things. So I took a million pictures of plants in my apartment, played with photoshop (woo…an actual *fun* version of photoshop, unlike the adobe version 4.0 that is on this computer which is…uhm….shall we say borrowed…But the one on Mercury..which is also kinda…borrowed *whistles*….is a way kewler version that you can actually do stuff with, more than just modify colours and skew pictures. You can actually…make patterns and…liquify stuff and it just is set up better. Of course I couldn’t get some of it to work last nite, which I’m wondering if it was just a momentary glitch or if it just doesn’t work (which would suck, since it’s the “blur/smudge” function, which I’m quite fond of…) But I really can’t complain about free things, even when they malfunction.)

Anyways. Here’s the pic I ended up using (Well, the final photoshopped version, anyways)

So. I used that and chose colours from there. There’s still a fair amount of work that needs to be done, I’m not sure if I like everything. But. *shrugs* Hopefully she will like it. Eheh. I *really* hope she does, cuz it took me (us) damn near forever to get it to look like it does. Gah. Who knew tables were so damn tricky. Lah. I wonder if I can post it inline here…..I’ll try later.

I should try to sleep now, again. lah.

Well, I can’t post it inline, cuz for some reason OD cuts out vital bits of information. So here is a fake version of it…. Pseudo!Site

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June 19, 2005

xoxo *~

June 19, 2005

very cool

I really like the image. Nice use of color. Very soothing. =o)

Woo hoo, working on your web design skills! Looking good. If you need any help, I think I’m a pretty good resource. I’ve been known to tinker with website design *cough cough*. I also enjoy browsing the CSS zen garden for cool ideas. Here’s one that’s similar to yours: But yeah, it’s fun stuff. 🙂

June 19, 2005

hey, this is pretty cool. I got a web page ive been working on for a while: