Love at first sim

Yay!!! I got some of my Sims to move in with each other. I had created a new one- “Ani D” (hehe.) and she and Evian had a nice beginning, so I kept it up and now Evian and her daughter Christil live with Ani! 🙂 Hooray for meeeeeee. lol.

Unfortunately the Bulla’s had to move out of their home (they were up to four…Jo, Savannah, Alyxadir Josef and Angel (boy)) But for some reason one of the other characters that I had no control over ended up getting stuck in their house. She just stayed upstairs and screamed and peed on the floor and fell asleep on the floor and it kept bringing up the bubbles saying she was going home cuz she was hungry or bored or whatever, but she just wouldn’t leave. I finally did do a cheat to delete her, but then crazy things started happening…the maid stopped showing up, the mail never came, and the Bulla’s couldn’t call that family anymore. So I musta messed something up when I did the cheat. I checked and all of the portal’s were still there and whatnot, but still no go. *shrugs* I was sad cuz I was up to 100 days with them. Oh well. They moved in to the mansion. Except I didn’t realize that when they move, they lose everything. I woulda sold it all off first! *sigh*

But. The D’s are doing fine and dandy. Ironically enough, they’re both in the police dept. One’s a cadet and the other’s an officer. (she got shot a few days ago! Lost 2 body points, but gained some charisma. hehe.) So that’s fun. Women in uniform. Yum. 🙂

Lah. I have to get ready for work. boo.

Tho. I honestly havent left my apartment since…uhm….Sunday? Oops. Wonder if there’s a pile of mail waiting for me downstairs. Prolly all soggy and ruined. Double oops….

Oh wait, I just remembered I had therapy on Tues, so I must’ve gone out of the house for that. whew. heh.

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June 23, 2006

*hugs* hope your mail isn’t too soggy 😉

Women in uniform. Yum, indeed. >=o)

omg, you are way more into this game than I am. I have like 2 or 3 sims and they are always single cause i hate having to deal with another person in the house. I wonder if this is an indicator of the mentality of the player… -bc

RYN: My camera has a built in zoom, but it’s still frustrating because I can never get it to feel as “close” as I’d like it to. Also, I’ve found that whenever I’m trying a night shot without a flash, I *need* to have a stable surface (tripod, table, window pane, etc) for the camera to rest on. Otherwise, it comes out all blurry. But I still clean up the photos a bit in Photoshop before posting.

June 25, 2006

can yousay “addicted?? *ducks*