Lost in the shuffle.

Think this one got lost in the shuffle, unless I posted it and forgot. I wrote it the other day. Well. Last week I guess. It makes no sense. *shrugs8

doodle in the face

two hours ago,
the string broke.
previously a tenaciously
frayed red thread
connecting one to the other,
     ((Chinese beliefs, adopted))
two becomes none.

sounds hang in the air
like Maypole ribbons,
twisted [intricate patterns
of illogical words].

((verbally trying
to retrace
dainty skips,
shoeless steps,
clumpy trips))

two hours ago
the ribbons lost
their tether,
dropped liquid
red words
that sank softly-
into the cracks.

cracks become breaks
become shatters become
shards become splinters

[lodging silently
in shoeless soles].

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Arrr! That be fine poetry, me beauty. I be a bit of a poet me self: Come, me mateys, come Where be the rum? Yo-ho-ho Thar be me bottle of rum! Methinks it needs a bit of work, yarrrrr.

September 19, 2005

like the rhythm and imagery…a good one to read aloud

September 21, 2005


beautiful =) xx