long islnad iced teas yyyyyuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmieeelk

drinky drinky with M. oh my gosh how i miss hanging out with her! i realized i am officially “from town” when i recognized no less than 6 people in the bar. oi vye. hehe. long island ice tea, slurped. plus not much food today. not much sleep either. plus donating blood earlier. hahahaha. won’t take my sleepy meds tonite tho. don’t think they’d mix well with alchy.hol. being a good girl. taking meds regularly. yoga when i can, which isn’t often enough. no cutting even tho i sometngmes desoerately want to. haven’t. tryingt o stay positinve. trying really hard. hating that j’s out of town cuz i’ve a lot to say to her. but deaing. saw L today and said alot to her. reconnecting is nice. known her nearly 9 years now. what a long time that is.
got a new job this mornign!!!!! TSS work. theraputic support staff. going with (autistic in this case) kids to school or home or community and helping them out mostly with social stuff. developmental things that hey don’t seem to pick up on their own.
weeking with aj was wonderful, on my part. tried to be moreinitiative and stuff. had great time. miss her soooooooooooooooo much. want to be with her ‘forever’. however tlong that is.
ankle hurta lot today. too much time on it. but getting better each tday, yay.
M gonna take pye, which makes my heart hurt ahole lot less. now just need to find somewhere for journeygirl. hatehatehate losing my babie.s but. at least pye won’t be lost. so sweet, she is. so frikking sweet. and still will have dora who ins’t as cuddly, but is just…dunno. we connect. she looks me in the eye and just. can’t explain.
need tow rite to aj. but need to lay down.
spin spin spin. 🙂 feels good.
bit believer not bit. big. big belierver in karma these days. and fate or whatever. so many things had to ahappen to for me to meet l, m. so grateful. even if thehy were bad things. still grateful.
red hat ladies at the play tonite. thehy make me smile so big. wish mum would do something like that. worry about her. i wannat be a red hat lady when i grow up. i so love purple.

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-giggles- Gunna take pye, eh? Hehe

RYN. Thats an awesome name for a cat! As for natural childbirth, Im a doula, LOL and coach women through it for a living (or will soon), and its actually pretty cool. Hope the morning is kind to you! Lol, like pussy.. hate bush… hahahhaa…. rich!

Watch the slurping. I can hear you all the way over here.

Heheh, you’re adorable. You should leave me drunk notes more often. 😉

July 27, 2006

🙂 congrats on the TSS job! enjoy!….. hope you made it to bed okay 😉

yay yay yay for… forever love, new jobs, great friends (indispensable friends)… yoga, karma, connecting with kitties… and slurping alchy.hol. 🙂 …mostly? Yay for YOU. XXOO,

July 27, 2006

🙂 xoxo *~

RYN: Yeah, I thought at the time I probably coul dhave found a better analogy. Though, I think I *did* use some ballerina moves getting away from it.