
thank gawd for mm. clean dry clothes. and clean dryign clothes. uniforms, to be precise on that second one. which. thank gawd. since i am at the other campus until 445 so don’t get home til 6ish. (by the time i get done with everything.) and then have to be up and to clinical by 7am on tuesday. so. doesn’t leave time in between there to do laundry. So i dragged a bag over earlier and threw my tshirts and some undies and socks and a pair of jeans in. and then had to leave for work (worked 7-3 insteadl of 11-7. ohmygod. let’sjust say. haldol. thorazine. small child. calling me a fucking bitch. raising his fist to hit me. poking me aggressively in the stomach. reaching for my badge which, coincidentally happens to be on my shirt pocket, on my chest. threw things at me. *sigh* and i tried and tired tried tried to reason with him. but. to no avail. he enver ended up in fourpoints but damn close. we tried everything. he’s MR and shouldn’t be there. oh well.
i have a sore throat. i can’t get sick. i can;t.
i hope aj can come visit this weekend. even tho it would be sort of silly since i have to work friday and saturday i think. but. then we could see if j was available on a satureday and see if we ould meet up with her cuz. yeah. i think we def have some issues. i mean, not like…well. hard to explain. the issues aren’t between us, perse. mostly my issues, leaking into us. and. i dunno. i think we need some help figuring things ourt. lah.

lunesat. gotta bot go to bed.

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November 7, 2005

sorry i din’t fold it or even dry it all for you