list *edit*

To do:

– read over all of this TSS stuff
– unpack
– make bed
– get crickets
– pot/repot plants (ha. perhaps I should use peat. then it would be peat/repeat. ba dum bum ching. *rolls eyes*)
– meet up with TSS kid and his family
– figure out where the HS is
– practice guitar
– request days off for fair
– fix bike
– shave cat Journey
– put dishes away
– get pay stubs from work
– get a physical (dr appt tomorrow, so that will be taken care of)
– photoshop/post pics
– send L a thank you card
– call mum/H
– figure out what to wear for first day of work (no jeans, ever. EEEK.)
– figure out DPW stuff
– get Donna to sign something saying I’ve done training at work
– fire in-service at work tomorrow
– figure out when to see AJ. asap.
– cat pans
– vacuum
– clean porch
– fix carpet
– get tss stuff all organized
– clean out old/un-needed files on computer

That’s about all, for now. lah.

And of course, instead of doing that, I’m gonna go watch Mr & Mrs Smith, which my mum bought for me. The unrated version, too! wOoT! Angelina, mmmmm.

I need a routine, since I’m starting a new job with real and regular hours. hmmm. Preliminary:
0700 Yoga
0730 Shower/Breakfast
0815 Leave for work
1630 Home from work/Paperwork
1700 Dinner

Other stuff to fit in in the evening, some daily but some just weekly, etc: practice guitar, bike ride with Jen, supervisory mtg for TSS, therapy, cat pans, laundry….

I’m sure other things will need to be added. wee.

Gonna go watch the movie now. The boy’s parents haven’t called me back yet, argh.


Well, TSS kid’s mum just called. She sounds nice. Going to go out and meet them on Thursday, at their house. eep.

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August 22, 2006

*HUG* I hope you’re having a great week!

August 22, 2006

i love routines 🙂 …. *hugs* have fun on thursday!

What’s in the unrated version? Bonus Angelina? Is it ever hard to feed the crickets to your pets?

in all of that, d’you spose I could.. you know.. get your phone number? -bc