
Eesh I’m feeling rather lethargic today. I was having a rough time getting to sleep last nite so I finally caved in around 2am and took a Zyprexa. Then I randomly woke up around 9 or 10 am, made some toast, took my meds, and went back to bed. Got up, attempted to study and was still feeling icky tired, so I laid back down til 430 or so. Then I got up, read all about anti-inflammatories (aspirin, NSAIDs, etc). And then I took an hour long bath, which I just got out of. I’m going to go read all about narcotics in a bit. I’m like the Zyprexa less and less. Other than the fact that it annoys me that I have such problems sleeping without it, I also hate the groggyness it leaves if I don’t have enough *time* to sleep it off. And the fact that I think it causes me to be constantly, constantly hungry.

Apparently Homie adopted a puppy today. A black lab. I’m happy for her, cuz I know she has been wanting one for a long time. But. Her landlord already told her no dogs. Not to mention the fact that her apartment is easily less than half the size of mine and I can’t IMAGINE having a puppy, letalone a full sized lab, living here. *And* she’s thinking of working 2 full time jobs at once, meaning she’ll never be home! But. I didn’t tell her all of these things. I just congratulated her and such. She wanted me to come see it, but I was currently half asleep, so I declined.

So. I’ve still been doing pretty good, emotional wise. Although I can sense the thoughts and such are trying to topple over on top of me, and so I wrote J and asked for some suggestions as to how *not* to be overwhelmed by all of them at once, etc. One of her suggestions was journalling.

So. I’m going to try to be more mindful about it, instead of just waiting til it all spews forth in incoherent, disjointed ramblings 🙂

I wonder if H got her MacGyver dvd’s yet. Gonna go check Amazon and then finish reading, and maybe even start on the homework. Fun fun.

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