like a bullet to the brain

*got my taxes done.
getting $340 back but it cost about $100, so getting about 240 back. Still 240 more than I had.

*Bill collectors.
they seemed to have stopped sending me crap in the mail. But now they’re back to calling twice daily.

*M’s kids.
Watched RB for several hours yesterday. Picked him up from the sitters after I got my taxes done and then we watched Flushed Away, cuz all of his homework was done and cuz I’d never seen it. Very funny. Then I took him and the dog to the park. He rode his bike while the dog tried to separate my arm from the rest of my body. Then he climbed on the cannons while I ran around the park a few times with the mutt to try and get some energy out of her. Mostly I ended up muddy and she was still hyper, but I think she enjoyed it so that’s ok. Went back to the house to wait for DB to come home from dance class, then took RB to mcdonald’s and DB to KFC and home to eat/do homework. M got home right around when we did. I stayed to watch American Idol. Well, mostly I just stayed cuz DB asked me to. Cuz honestly? I really hate american idol. I don’t care if Simon knows what he’s talking about. I think he gets off on being mean and rude to people in front of millions of other people. I almost got up and left the room when he started talking about the girl wearing the tiny shorts and how at least she did right by wearing such an outfit.

Uhm. Ok. Sex sells. No need to CONDONE IT though. Geezus. Oh well. At least it made me REALLY glad that I no longer really watch much tv, etc. I found myself getting annoyed and bitter at every commercial and all the shit they’re trying to shove in to peoples’ heads.

*H’s pregnancy
Woke this morning to my cell phone informing me H had sent me a txt msg saying they were going to do the c-section (previously scheduled for April 24th) TODAY.

So, I am an idiot and I fell back asleep, but when I woke to the alarm 20 minutes later, I called Shawn (her husband) to find out what the what was.

Apparently the baby (er. The older baby, lol. Z) wet the bed last nite and when H got up, her BP was skyrocketed, and even tho she didn’t do anything, it continued to remain high, so she went to the hospital and they still couldn’t get it down, so they decided to do the c-section today.

So, ok. Great. Scheduled for 930am. I talked to her husband, and then H and I txt’d a few times before 930. Now, Shawn knew I was aware of what was going on, and was concerned. So. You’d think he’d contact me, right? So I am at school. Checking my cell every 2 minutes. 10 comes. 11. I ask around to figure out how long c-sections actually take. Generally not 2 hours. 12. I txt H. No answer. I txt Shawn. It doesn’t go thru. 1230. I call H’s phone. Left a msg. Called Shawn’s phone. Left a msg. Called the house phone (his parents were coming to watch Z. They live about an hour away.) No answer. I call mum, thinking maybe they called her first.
Not only does SHE have no news and is also anxious, the prison is on lock down so they’re not allowing calls out or, technically, in. But she contacted the receptionist and they made an allowance.

FINALLY at like, 1245, Shawn calls me back and is all like “oh, yeah, we went out to lunch….” (his parents and him I assume.) And gives me the info. It’s a girl, born at 957am, 7lbs 6oz I think, 21inches.

At this point, I’m like Ok……….WTF???????????? You KNOW people are concerned. Wouldn’t it MAKE SENSE to contact someone and let them know that everyone was at least ALIVE?????? I didn’t say that of course. But I was thinking it. And of course, when I called mum to let her know, SHE said it to me, as I knew she would, heh. He’s SUCH a fuckwit. *rolls eyes* SUCH a fuckwit. ARGH.

So, I was so relieved just to know everyone was ok, I didn’t even ask what they named the darn thing! Last I heard, they were thinking kaitlyn alexandria. Or alexandria marie. Dunno tho. And STILL no one has called me to give updates or anything. Cuz HE’S A PUDWACKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


Anyways. Of COURSE I happen to be on the schedule to work this weekend at the psych center, of all weekends. Ugh. I’ll probably make a day trip tho, on Saturday or Sunday. I was there for the first one the day after he came home from the hospital. Can’t believe he’s nearly 3 and now there’s another one….

SO glad it’s a girl tho. H has always wanted a girl, I think. She wasn’t disappointed that Z was a boy, but I know from the get go she’s talked about having a little girl. So I’m glad for that.

Need to get ready for yoga. Tho I really should stay home and clean my frikkin apartment. Oh well. I’ll do it after yoga. (yeah right.) (actually I HAVE to. I’m pet-sitting for a friends hamster and gecko, so I’d like the place to be respectable when she comes over, heh. Which would be tomorrow. eep.)

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April 11, 2007

Hmmm…I love that term…”fu*kwit”…sort of a combination nitwit and fu*kwad….lol…. sorry that he didn’t let you guys know and you had to worry…that bites.. *hugs*

Any refund is better than none. Sorry you’re working all weekend.

…that’s what happened with me when I was pregnant w/ H. My BP went through the roof while I was (thank god) at the doctors (cuz it was an hours drive just to GET there!) and they couldn’t get it down & I was far enough along so they admitted me & induced… cuz he was worried I’d “stroke out” and sooooo… yeah. DUH! He shoulda called you to let you know everyone was ok & doing well.

…cuz that’s scary stuff (really). ((hugs)) & I’m glad everyone is doing well. Fshew. (I laughed at your one note, btw… about “e” & your J & MY J &… that’s just funny. 🙂

ugh. taxes. don’t even want to think about it. we so totally had to file for an extension cuz I washed J’s checkbook–with all his business-y related notes and so… now I have to ATTEMPT to re-construct his last years income/expense flow… using only bank stmts and… guesswork and… just. UGH.

I’m glad that the baby’s out safely and that H finally got a little girl. =o)

April 14, 2007

Girls are great 🙂