
31/40 = .775 = 77%
32/40 = .8 = 80%

77% = D
80% = C

D = Failing
C = Passing

My score = 31.


i’m s’posed to be in Dr F’s gen psy class right now. but she i left to do some photocopying for her. and decided to see if grades were posted. and they were.

i wish that i really cared as little as i feel like i care.

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October 12, 2005

talk to the prof

Remember, this is averaged in with everything else. Talk to your prof. Reach out. Hugs, jeanne

omg… how can an *almost* 77% be an f-ing D?? Is that curve b.s.? or what?? geesh. I amend my comment from last night… don’t “Stop & Think.” Maybe we think TOO much. How about just–stop– and… go to sleep… or… call someone or… gawd. (((hugs)))

77 is a fail score? that’s just cruel. -bc

October 13, 2005
