let’s see if this works….


The silence tonite is a bit mindnumbing. I decided to try and write a real entry with Evernote. So far it’s ok, I’m getting used to the dumb autocorrection of the program. It is a bit frustrating having to pick out the letters one by one, but if I use two fingers instead of one it goes a bit quicker, but is less accurate, in part because my fingernails are long right now. Aha…it goes even better when I use fingers without long nails.
Now if only I had something interesting to say, which I really don’t. Went back to gyne yesterday to get results of the ultrasound-all is normal. So apparently I’m just a weirdo when it comes to monthly cycles. After all the tests were said and done, I am set to wondering if it could have anything to do with my awful diet…but all of the labs panels came back normal, so you’d think if my diet was *that* awful, that some of those would be awry? I dunno.
I actually went for a run a few days ago. Only a mile and a half, but my pace was pretty good, and it felt good. The next day I mowed my friends’ lawn which was the equivalent of a run, and yesterday I drove to the airport to pick up my friend and his brother, which was about 5hrs round trip. I didn’t feel like running after that. Maybe today I will run again. I desperately need to lose weight. The whole spending a month in bed thing with the Lyme disease was quite conducive to packing on the pounds. I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been, I think. Ugh. My clothes don’t fit nice anymore and I just feel lardish. Wee.
I’m wondering how this will format once I c&p to my email. The poem eventually translated correctly, but it had lots of line breaks…I’m betting this turns in to very, very long lines of words, with breaks only where I hit return. I don’t know if the word wrap will translate. Guess I’ll find out in the morning.
I’ve been reading a lot of Christopher Moore lately. So far I’ve read Coyote Blue, Bloodsucking Fiends, and <i style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium;”>You Suck. I just started Bite Me tonite. The last three are a trilogy. I liked You Suck the best so far. My favourite line…(let’s see if I can cut and paste…)(I can’t)…..
"They stood in the great room of their loft on either side of the futon, where the huge cat, a crossbreed between a Persian, a dust mop, and possibly a water buffalo, was actively shedding"
Hehe. Reminds me of my cats.
Anyways. I’d already read a few of his books, namely A Dirty Job and The Stupidest Angel. I didn’t realize the last one was part of another series…it was hilarious even despite not having read the ones before it.  I have a few more of his books DL on my Kindle, but not all. After I finish the one I’m on, I want to look on the cds K sent and see if The Hunger Games <span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal;letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium; display: inline !important; float: none;”>is there. I want to read that next. I’ve also restarted the Stephanie Plum series, and am on book 3 or 4 of that. They were all on the cds, too. Not sure what to read after THG...tho I only work 3 nites next week, so I don’t probably have to rush my picking, lol.
I finished rereading The Poisonwood Bible a few nites ago. (I might’ve mentioned that in an entry already…I can’t go back and check at the moment) I definitely sat and cried at parts of it. I always wonder if the person in the control booth is watching me when I’m laughing or crying to my kindle, lol. Oh well, at least they can see that I’m reading, not just being emotional for no reason. It is weird, a bit, knowing that essentially someone could be staring at me all night long. Hopefully they have more interesting things or people to stare at!!
I haven’t learned to work Control yet. I don’t know if I want to…there are a million buttons and monitors to watch. Ok. Not a million but…well…14 doors per unit times 5 units, plus 4 doors at the entrance, 2 more to get to the IORT side, the caf doors….of course at nite only a few doors are in use, but in the morning everyone is coming in and there’s the doors to worry about *plus* the keys to exchange (the people coming in turn in their car keys in exchange for the unit keys), so there’s a lot to do for about 10 minutes. But it would be good to know how to do the job, especially since it could mean the possibility of more hours…because although I’ve had 5 days a week for the last few weeks, next week I’m only on 3 days, unless he changes the schedule again! My paycheck really likes the 5 days. Although the way it worked out, I’ve only had one day off at a time the last few weeks. I’m not too fond of that. But I can’t complain….hours are hours. Gotta take em when you get em.
<div style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Tahoma; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; font-size: medium;”> 

Oh well…already 430. I think I’ll play cards or do a crossword or something. Wee….



It worked! All I had to do was cut and paste. Sweet 🙂


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June 6, 2013

You Suck and Bite Me are great titles. Do you use two-factor authentication with Evernote?

June 6, 2013

“so there’s a lot to do for about 10 minutes…” Man, I wish MY job had anything to do for 10 minutes. *laughing* JEALOUS.

The Hunger Games is on there but it might be like several times… and I think one of the copies is mine from my Nook which didn’t remove the DRM properly (I tried putting them on H’s Nook & she couldn’t open them & then they all got mixed up & I wasn’t sure which was which) so you may have to try a few copies before you get one that “works”. Okay??

The Hunger Games was SO good. Also, yay running! Did it wipe you out?? Even though it felt good, just curious. I’ve been pushing through & making myself EVERY other day even though I’m so flippin’ exhausted it’s unreal. EVEN so, the running part STILL feels good. One of the few things that actually does… my incentive to keep it up! 🙂

Also I really want to read Lamb. 🙂 But I’ve got a dozen-ish books to go before I can even entertain the thought of something else. I have to finish my Game of Thrones since EVERYONE is tossing spoilers on the effing facebook this week. Asshats. >:( I was going to slow down & now I decided I just need to finish the damn things as folks won’t quit SAYING ****. Grrr.

I wanted to slow down as I *thought* the series was done… oh noooooo there are two more books. The final one predicted to be done in 2020. *pout* I am MAD! 🙂

r: you will read them super fast. I think I read them all in one camping trip. *gobblegobblegobble* 🙂 Also, thank you. And ((hugs)).

& yes, that weird #’s thing & sometimes mispellings too? that does have to do with the (sometimes multiple) runs through calibre. Lord only knows how many times that book has been changed from a epub to a mobi to an epub to a whatever & back before it got to me & then you… y’know? Yeah, sometimes it can be obnoxious but I’ve really only had that happen on a handful of books. Not many.