leeching sweetness

Woot. Am currently in my “new house”. Heh. My new room, I guess is a more apt description. I want to get packing right away– there’s a shite load of SCHTUFF that needs to be moved out before I can even think about moving in.

BUT. I am excited because I am on my laptop. And, just as I suspected, there’s way more wireless providers to leech from here 🙂 Actually, E has wireless service, so I’m gonna actually *ask* her if it’s ok if I leech. The only thing is is that my desktop doesn’t have wireless access, just my laptop. But, I guess that’s ok, cuz I’ve not used my desktop for internet stuff in a few months, actually. Once I get all moved in, I’ll probably move all the photo stuff to my desktop and all my music stuff to my laptop. But. That’s a few weeks away, at least. (Maybe less if I get my arse in gear…)

Ooooh. Big news….went shopping with mum and H and the baby yesterday….guess who got a new digital cameraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

More on that later, I’m sure. I’m so frikking spoiled it’s not even funny. oi.

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Being spoiled — it’s a good thing. ** giggling **

May 14, 2007