
Yep. Last nite and the nite before were much of the same…sitting and reading. Easiest job ever. Which…I dunno…I got tired of my last job because I felt useless or….felt like I wasn’t actually doing much to better society. So hopefully I don’t start feeling the same way about this one, since I don’t do a whole lot of anything. For now it’s perfectly fine, though! I can sit and read and let the occasional kid get up and pee. Even if the occasional kid is there on murder charges for killing his family….

Tonite is my first nite on a unit all on my own. My food bag is packed and my kindle is charging. I read 28% of Flight Behavior by Barbara Kingsolver, which is the next book club book. (*grin* Yes. I love that it tells me what % I’ve read so far) Next I think I am going to read Harry Potter, finally. I know, I know…I’m probably the last person on earth who hasn’t read/seen the series. But now is the perfect time.

I’m meeting with La tomorrow after work, too. She texted me the other day just as I was about to email her and suggest the same. Great minds. 🙂

For the first time ever I’ve turned on USA and it’s not NCIS or SVU. It’s some other criminal show, but not one I’ve ever seen. An LA one. Blech. Ah. CSI. Not conducive to my plan to sit on the couch and fold laundry. I already ran today, but only 1.5 miles. My stomach was upset again this morning. This time from eating too much sugary breakfast….peanut butter pancakes!

Gawd my life is boring 🙂 But. It’s better this year than last year. Last year this time I was on the other side of the locked doors. Fun times. Things are definitely better. At least this week. lol. I dunno if it’s the abilify or just situational. Sometimes it’s best not to look *too* deep in to these things. The addition of some financial stability (or lack of previous state of poverty) is helpful. I know it’s temporary, seeing as I’m part time which means some weeks I may get no hours at all, while other weeks I may get up to 35hrs. So I need to be really careful with my budget. But it’s nice to, at the moment, not be worrying about paying all my bills for the month.

Wow, I’m not a fan of CSI so far. Call me a creature of habit. This ep is about vampires apparently.

Oh well. Time to fold the laundry and maybe eat some lunch. Hopefully get my stomach back in to some reasonable level of functioning.


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April 5, 2013

Man does not live by bread alone. He must also have peanut butter.

*laughs* I love CSI but only the original Vegas one. I’m learning to accept Miami because it’s the only one they’ve released on Netlflix and I’m kinda Law&Ordered out at the moment. I’ve been watching Numbers. That’s interesting and I like the math spin.

(family vacation looks like Octoberish) Things are starting to come togetherrrrrrrrr. I’m still picking up my pieces. 🙂