ok, i’m going to attempt to write an entry on my new kindle fire but it’s going to be short cuz i’m bad ttouchscreen eyaards. i am, however, in love with the kindle fire. ugh but…

Ok. I’m on my laptop now. LOL. Couldn’t handle typing on the KF, it kept erasing my words if I didn’t pick a suggested word. Weird. Is there a way to turn that off, I wonder….

Annnnnyways. I am in love with the KF and it has greatly increased my reading time cuz it conveniently fits in my purse, whereas the current book I’m reading *doesn’t* fit in my purse.

So yesterday I went to a mtg and then was just planning on picking up a letter from La (a recommendation letter for my new job!), but once I got there, she was like "come in, come in! sit down!" and then we just did our usual routine of chatting for a little bit and then running all of her errands that she runs on Saturdays. It was a lovely visit this week especially because I actually had something to talk about (the girrrrrrrl) and also because she is finally settling in a bit to her new jpb so she isn’t so stressed.

Ok now there is an attention hungry dog in my face. LOL. Can’t win tonite 😉 I keeed, I keeeeed. I love this mutt. And how much she wags her tail nowadays. She still hates hands tho, and attacks mine at night all of the time. Weirdo.

After the mtg and driving all over with La, I finally came home and CLEANED ALL A LOT OF THE THINGS! Definitely made huge dents, and just have little stuff to finish up now. I’m not sure when…hmmm…what should I call her…lol…Al. (Cuz the "you can be my bodyguard and I can caaaalll youuuuuuu Allllllllll" just popped in to my head) Al and I will hang out next. It might not be til next weekend, if she’s in town. I think she works til later on weeknights but it occurs to me I don’t really know where that idea came from. Just that in her text she mentioned we should hang out next weekend if she’s in town. I will have to msg her and let her know my schedule cuz now that I have someone to potentially date, I want to go on a date with them, lol. Is that weird? I’m anxious to spend more time with her. I guess that’s a good thing.

Fuuuuuuuck I’m so bad at this!

More about Al. She’s a few years younger than me (2 or 3) and, I have a feeling, much more radical than me. (As in, is more in to/more knowledgeable about Queer Culture and may be more on the activist side than I am. Not that I’m anti-activist. Just…it’s not been something I’ve been overly involved with or have had the opportunity to explore. The closest I’ve come to queer culture is my week in Asheville a few yrs ago. It’s just something that’s difficult to find around here, whereas she’s lived in bigger cities and spent some time in the Bay area, which is full of culture.

I’ve already told her that I used to cut, cuz it came up in the conversation- we were talking about what we were doing on Saturday and I said I was going to a meeting and she asked if I didn’t drink ever at all, and I decided to just come clean right then and admit that I went as a means to find more peace in my life and quell the cutting addiction rather than that I have a drinking addiction. It was no big deal to her, or at least she didn’t make a big deal of it. Said she had a counselor once with scars up her arm from it, too. So. So there’s that.

I’m not gonna retype our whole conversation, cuz it was hours long. But we seemed to click. So. We’ll see….

Off to read!


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March 3, 2013

I got a movie from Netflix called The Itty Bitty Titty Committtee. It’s about a non-activist girl who meets a radically activist girl and joins her posse and gets a crash course in queer culture. I haven’t seen how it ends, yet.

…I like *clicking*… I think you *need* someone in your life with culture. You need some *clicking*. Someone who hears you admit to some of these things & is like “yeah, ok.” You & I have already worked thru some Lessening of The Shame exercises m’dear. I am not the only Safety in this world. Hear me now, okay? You are not broken, just undiscovered. I hope for you. <3

Maybe not with THIS ONE. But each one is A STEP. All these STEPS you are taking. The job. This girl. ((FIERCEHUGS)) Because I know you are scared. But you are doing it anyway and that is so huge. Love.