Well, I just hung out with KC for a few hours. I’m at M’s and she lives right down the road, so she came over and we just…chillaxed. Talked. I did my laundry, she drew. Uneventful, but nice.

Talked about everything from girlfriends to cutting to therapy to tie-dying pets. 🙂 She talked about her relationship with J and I actually admitted that I was jealous of it. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t started therapy with J, and that we were just friends instead. I’ve prolly said that around here before. Cuz she just seems like such a kewl *person* to know. But therapy doesn’t allow for that level of reciprocity. *sigh* Oh well.

It’s good that she’s my therapist tho, as her presence in my life has certainly saved it from certain self-destruction in the past.

Ugh. Apparently talking about cutting is now triggering for me, cuz I have the hugest urge to just slice and slice and slice. fuck.

S’ok, I’m at M’s and wouldn’t ever do that here. And by the time I get home, I’ll be tired and will just force myself to go to bed. Plus, I have no justification for doing it. (Did I ever….?) By which I mean, I’m not in crisis, life is mostly ok.


I hope poor KC wasn’t totally bored off her arse here :/ I think her plans were to go home and then go out to the bar and I sooooooo wanted to go but I’m broker than broke and sooooo can’t afford it. bleh.

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Sometimes uneventful hanging out can be the best. I really need someone to do that with around here.

February 18, 2007

that’s good that you found a place to distract yourself

RYN: My latest entry talks about the books I’ve been reading. I suppose I could have included the wikipedia link in this note, but I needed *something* to hook you. =oP