just STOP.

I did get to class on time.

The library, at least, has wireless internet, hooray. Haven’t tested the other buildings, but if the library does, then I’m betting either the auditorium does, or the signal will reach -from- the library. This will make my life a great deal easier.

We did nothing today except go over clinical stuff and all the other random First Day Rigamarole (which is surprising, usually we have at least an hour of class on the first day. But this time we ran out of time….)

It’s fun how the nursing program just automatically assumes that it owns your life and/or soul….like they randomly schedule classes and extra meeting times whenever they feel like it. Assuming that all we do is go to class. Or something. *sigh*

I didn’t find out until TODAY that my frikkin Relaxation Skills class doesn’t even START until October!!! WTF?? I checked the schedule twice before and it said it was held during the normal term…no mention of starting late! Grrrr. I coulda stressed out a WHOLE lot less if I had known that.

But. I got clinical at the hospital 5 minutes from my house, so that’s ok anyways. Everyone else was grumbling, cuz this semester they try to put you at the farther hospitals, so you can be at the closer ones in the spring. But that’s ok. Cuz if I were at the closer one in the spring, it would mean my psych rotation would be at the psych center. And I have no need to be there if I’m not going to be paid for being there- I wouldn’t learn anything new that I didn’t already know, pretty much. So at least I’ll experience a *different* psych hospital. And maybe become less bitter. Eheh. *sigh*


My financial aid? Yeah. Apparently I don’t have any financial aid. It SAYS I filled out the FAFSA. Which I did, right before the deadline, online. But. The state has done NOTHING with it. FUCKITYFUCKFUCKFUCK. If it’s not one thing, it’s another, eh?

And, I tried to get a bagel this morning using my flex. Only apparently I don’t *have* flex. So. Great. Nor do I have the stupid ass “eagle dollars” or whatever they are. Ugh. I will need to add those at some point, but I just can’t right now.

I was feeling all nice and less stressed for a few hours, after finding out where my clinical was and all that jazz. And seeing that there are some students back in the program who were there when *I* started, so that’s nice to see them. And stuff. But then. The financial aid and the lack-of-food-buying-ability. Just.

And I’m slightly peeved about the fact that this stupid HPE class doesn’t start until OCTOBER. *grrrrrrrrrrrrr* But. Whatever. That’s an extra 2.5 hrs a week that I wasn’t expecting to have, so that’s good, right? Right.

Gah. I need to get the financial aid shit straightened out. I HATE MONEY. And. I’m hungry. Luckily, I have the 15 (well, less now) dollars in cash that M gave me for watching the kids last nite. That I was -gonna- use to get gas on the way home. But maybe I’ll get some french fries instead. Even tho I’m actually…not hungry. I thought I was, but then I thought about eating and my stomach kinda turned and churned.

I wish I was on the other campus where I could just go hide up in the psych dept or in M’s office or. Somewhere. There’s just nowhere comfortable to hide, here. Not that someone else hasn’t already found and/or occupied.

I wish I could stop being so damned grumpy.

I need to call my Dr’s office and tell them my PPD test is negative.

I have an inch+ long bruise on my arm from where that jerk drew blood. How the hell could he not tell that he jabbed the needle in WAY too deep? Even *I* could tell it was too deep. Stupid.

I have to work for Dr F at 1230. Yay for photocoyping. *sigh* And then I am sitting in on her general psych class on Monday and Wednesdays, cuz apparently it’s huge- 80 students. And she’s afraid she won’t be able to get papers handed out/collected/etc without my help. So. Whatever. I enjoy psychology. It’ll be nice to have a refresher course.

Heh. I didn’t even bring my books, so I can’t even do the reading. We’re starting with cancer stuff, so I’m excited about that. If I get financial aid and can keep attending, at least. *GRRRRR*

I did bring Wicked tho, so I can read that for a few hours. And I brought a bunch of cd’s that I don’t know what’s on them, so I can figure that out too.

Heh. I walked into M’s house last nite with my book and DB was like COOOL!!!! You have Wicked??!!!

Uh…yeah…heh. She said she wanted to go see the play. hehe. I dunno about the play, but the book’s not exactly suitable for an 8 yr old? Or maybe it is and I’m just a prudish and bothered about all the sexstuff. I dunno.

I can’t believe RB is starting Kindergarten today. I hope he does well. But he tends to be so….unfocused. One of those kids that can focus and concentrate, I think, when/if he really wants to, but otherwise he does things his OWN way. He’s very typically Five. Which is fine. Just a change from his sister, who was not a typical five yr old, from what I remember.

I was sitting watching her on the couch last nite, and watching her in the tub and. She’s….she’s such a girl now. She’s not a little kid anymore, ya know? I mean, yeah she’s only 8 so she’s still a little girl. But so mature. Still so intense. And still so sensitive. I’m glad- her personality hasn’t seemed to have changed much from when she was small. She’s just a really, really sweet child. lah.

Anyways. They’re growing. Time is flying. Lah. I’m gonna go…get some fries, maybe. Or potato poppers tho she prolly doesn’t have any of those on the first day of classes. Or I could drive 8 minutes up the road and go to McDonald’s or Wendy’s or something….tho I randomly went out last nite after dropping Allies stuff off at Jay’s and drove to MickeyD’s and bought french fries? Not sure what that was about. Heh. Me with cash=stupid splurges.


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August 29, 2005

such a nutrioist you are – do they even TEACH you any of that in nursing school?

August 29, 2005

i hate money too. i think it’s why the world is f*ed up. xoxo *~

August 30, 2005

ummm….don’t stress about your relaxation class. it seems a bit…counterproductive?