Just play along!!!


I don’t think I’ve laughed so much in many months. My sides hurt and my breath is wheezy.

And it feels pretty damn good.

Went to EnP tonite with Em and Marc and Amber (who I just really met today). We got the crappy waitress. But the company was good, so that’s ok. Then we went to K-Mart to search for Spider Plants. They had none, but Em and I went down into the mall and saw a huge spider plant in the one floral store, and she asked where we might buy one, a smaller one, and the lady told us a few places and then was like “I can cut you off part of this one!” So. We got a cutting for free. Woohoo!

Anyways. Then we went back to K-Mart to meet up with the others, then dropped them all off and Em and I went to get ingredient-things to make food-stuff. Turns out we didn’t get what we needed, and ended up going *back* to the food store to get more ingredients!

We made a wonderfully horrid, square batch of vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Is there really that much difference between brown sugar and dark brown sugar?? Who knew?!!!

But. Then we made vegan peanut butter cookies. And they, if I do say so myself, kick ass.

And even tho the first batch of cookies turned out to be complete crap (although they kind of tasted ok…), we had a great deal of fun making them. I had a great deal of fun all-around. Which was desperately needed, methinks.

I have my poetry class/party/final/reading tomorrow from 12-2, and then I am D U N DONE! for the semester. I plan on coming home and crashing, crashing, crashing until I wake up. Which I can DO because the dishes are done, the floor is vacuumed, and I have some clean clothes. Tho, I do desperately need to do laundry since I only did a few loads when I stayed over at M’s. Just the essentials, ya know, cuz I didn’t feel like lugging the rest of it over!! Note to self: Next apartment/living situation needs to have washer/dryer access. If even just in the basement or something. lah.

I’m exhausted. I was up late and awake early and stressed to the max over the final and then laughed til my sides hurt while baking. Definately time for bed.

I do hate tho, that summer is soon, because I don’t want to see everyone leave. :o(

Oh well. Bed.

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May 2, 2005

what’s a mobius strip?

glad you had fun

Mmmm. Food-stuff rocks. What made the difference in deciding which brown sugar to use?

May 3, 2005

Congratualtions! Maybe we can go to the laundry mat together? I has come to that again for me.