Js Js Everywhere are Js

(Sung to the tune of that one song…Signs signs, everywhere are signs…. pltzz.)

J, AJ, Jay, now Jan…heh.

I just sat and babbled to Jan for 40 minutes. Ha. Maybe with 2(+) hours of therapy a week, I’ll make it thru this….*sigh*

Ended up, of course, saying much more than I intended. Cuz it all…plays a part and such. It’s near impossible to explain one thing without having to talk at least a little bit about the another…oi.

But it was ok. She’s very nice. Much different style than J. Prolly cuz it was the first visit…more questions and such. Also much different situation, so. It works.

Got the results of my first nsg exam back. Am disappointed, I guess. 86.66666666666% Which is a C. (87 is the lowest B). So, it’s passing. But still. I wanted a B. Or an A. But at least a B. But. I *did* only miss 4 questions. 26/30. Which would be a very high B in the “real world” eheh. So. If I look at it that way, it’s not so bad. I guess. Class average was 24/30. lah. Scares me tho, cuz it was relatively “easy” stuff. We’re now doing Cardiavascular Function and such…all the heart stuff. Which is…I need to go back and look at my A&P stuff. Definately. But. At least Joyce (look, another J!) is very explicit about what we need to know.

hehe. They use a smart-board thing in the class, where you can write on the computer screen and it goes to the big projector screen and such. And she’ll write stuff and then put a million stars around it or once she drew a little flag and she was like “See that? That’s a flag. That probably means it would be good to remember this part.” heh. So, that’s helpful of course. Even tho she does zoom right along. But I taped her lecture so I can listen to it again. I didn’t do that with the Cancer stuff cuz she was just reading to us off of powerpoint slides…I can read for myself.

There is a pizza luncheon nsg club meeting at noon that I should go to (we don’t really -choose- to be a member of nsg club. we just are by default. heh.) And this mtg is going to be first AND second year students. So it would be nice and friendly to go be amiacable with them, so there isn’t such a rift between classes. (Dunno why, but it’s like we’re not ALL in the nursing program, instead it’s segregated. And it’s like, First years and Second years don’t mix or mingle. It’s weird.)

But. I need to read the cardiac stuff. I need to recopy my soc psych notes. (Oh, that reminds me, I also need to go to the library and print off the reading that’s due for Monday-ish) And recopy my nsg notes. And do the dishes. And vacuum. Should prolly do laundry. And I wonder if I work tonite, or if that’s tomorrow and Saturday…

Oh. There’s a luncheon tomorrow that evilcheryl invited me to. And I dunno why I said yes. It’s mildly (more than mildly..?) political- League of Women Voters. Which. I like the Women part. But I’m not so much a voter? I mean. I vote. But. I think I’ll feel totally out of place, esp. since cheryl was like “we need some people from your generation” or something…meaning there’s a high probability I’ll be, as usual, surrounded by elders. Which is fine. But chances are, I also won’t *know* anyone except Cheryl which means I’ll have to be friendly and buddy-buddy with her for an hour+ Ugh. Tho. Maybe Elizabeth will be there, I’m pretty sure she’s a member? I dunno. I think Cheryl just invited me cuz I happened to be in the office when she happened to be thinking about it. Oh well. At least I’ll get lunch out of it, right?? It’s at the (and yes, by “the” I do mean the) health food store in town. We have like…one. heh. I can’t recall ever actually being in it tho. So.

Oh. And I just remembered that there’s an Allies meeting tonite. FUCK. I didn’t send out any reminders. *sigh* My brain is just. Preoccupied? I dunno. Shit. I hate when I drop the ball….

I guess I can send one now. The mtg’s not til 6. So. Blergh.

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That is why it is so nice to have very old or very close frinds, I think. It makes talking so much more efficient; we don’t have to constantly fill in with background details or thought processes. But the details are also what is so exciting about learning about new friends, so I think it evens out.

September 15, 2005

the vegetarian that has never been *in* the one and only health food store in town… *shakes head*

September 15, 2005

10 min

H, Knew you’d like Jan. Glad you really did. She’s a wondrous person. And just say No to Cheryl (unless you want to be there). There will be some good people there, but you have enough obligations, don’t you? Do what you want just because sometimes. Hugs, Jeanne

September 15, 2005


September 15, 2005

Anytime you can get a free lunch, I say “take it!” =o)