It’s official, I’m an artist! *edit*

Ok, maybe not official, since all you really have to do to have pieces in this particular show is be a member of the arts council, and all that you do to be a member is pay dues and stuff.

But still. Two of my photographs are on display this month for the Council Members’ Art Show. I went this morning to help hang the show. The only bad part was that doc e was there- the guy from Allies that creeps me the fuck out. I was hoping he’d be…I dunno….somewhat different, since it was a different crowd. But no. Still bossy and all-knowing. One event in particular annoyed me.

I was helping John, the president of the Arts Council and also the owner of an artsy store in other words, a guy who knows his shit, wouldn’t you think? since he’s been doing this for years and years? hang a canvas. But he needed to put eye hooks in first. So he was doing that- hammering one in. And doc e comes by and is like “if you would use a nail first, it’d go in a whole lot easier”

Ok. FIRST of all, doc e hadn’t been in the vicinity for the past 5 minutes, so couldn’t have known if John had already DONE that or not. SECOND of all, he was all condescending about it. As if John was an idiot and wouldn’t know such things.

It’s the second part that ticks me off. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say them, you know??

And it’d be different, even, if John were prissy and all-knowing-acting and stuff too. But he’s not. At least, not in my interactions with him. He was lovely to me today, asking my opinions on things and making sure to let me know that if I had ideas or suggestions or thought what he was doing was ‘wrong’ or could be done better that I should let him know. Even tho I had very limited experience in such things (which he knew, cuz I told him…) But still, he made it very clear that my opinions and considerations were welcome.

doc e just grates on my nerves. UGH. I was hoping that since I wasn’t involved in Allies anymore, sort of, that I’d not have much interaction with him anymore. I would’ve reconsidered joining the arts council if I had known he was a member. bleh.

Oh well. At least there are other people there that I like. A pair of lesbians (lol, i hate that word!) who are….odd, but nice.

After we were done, I took some pics of my stuff cuz…well, it was really quite awesome to see MY work up there on the wall with a bunch of other amazing art. i didn’t take pics of the other ppls art, and I blurred out the ones that are in vicinity to mine, cuz I don’t want to infringe on any rights or anything. But. Mine is…kinda on par with much of the other work. even in their five dollar wally world frames, heh… Pretty kewl…


I posted the bug picture a while back. It can be found here

And this is the other (it is sans watermark at the show tho):

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August 26, 2007

Pretty nice. 🙂 Especially with the way that you’d inserted to words “I did this” along with it. 🙂 Good job! Hugs.

August 26, 2007

I’d meant “the” words. Not “to” words. Lol.

August 26, 2007

I remember that ladybug picture. I told you how to do it. 🙂 Is the other one a daisy? Have we seen it here?

August 26, 2007

Ryn- You’re welcome sweetie. 🙂 Hugs.

It’s a terrible shame when one person ruins what should be a wonderful event. I’m still *very* proud of you and excited that you’ve got your stuff out there! Way to go! =o)

RYN: If I lived closer, I’d love to help you pick out frames. I once had the woman who owns the local frame shop jokingly say that she should put me on the payroll since I once helped another customer figure out exactly what she wanted.

YAY for having your prints hanging on display. That’s very cool. 🙂

curious – did you print those on photo paper? -bc