it’s…fleece. ?

Should be packing and getting ready to go to H’s- her husband went back to NC for a few days, and she works, so she needs someone to pick up the baby from daycare tomorrow. Heh. Actually tomorrow and Thursday, tho when she asked me, she was like “Can you do me a favour? [explanation of why baby needs picked up] So, can you get him on either Wed or Thurs??” After a few minutes of figuring out which day was better, I was like “Wait, why don’t come on Wed and pick him up BOTH days???” (her MIL & FIL can do it one day- they live an hour away and I think watch him quite often…) but I have nothing going on, and AJ is back to work today, so it’s stupid of me to just go for one day. *rolls eyes*

She asks me to watch him as if it’s a huge inconvenience or something I’ll do if I have to or that I might only do it cuz I feel obligated. *sigh*

So. I should be packing. But I just got home from therp and…I just want to sit for a while. *sigh*

So. Yeah. I think I fell asleep in the middle of J talking to me? Oops…eheh. *sigh* But she was talking about being in the present and paying attn to…uh…the present…as opposed to the future or past…by noting what’s happening right now. So I was trying to just. Focus on her voice cuz. blah. Cuz when I try to note what I’m thinking or feeling, I just…can’t…it gets too intense and stuff. Cuz I have control but don’t. It’s like…driving when I’m tired. Trying to stay really focused, but end up, ya know, focused on watching for things to not run in to, and then ending up veering towards them cuz that’s where my focus is. *sigh* Anyways. So. With her voice or with music I can…focus on listening, on hearing. Instead of paying attn to focusing and controlling at the same time.

Next thing I knew, she was shaking me awake. lah.

I just remembered, as I thought of what to take to H’s, that all of my clean clothes are at M’s, in the dryer. Shit.

I should write about…things. But. I don’t especially feel like it again. So I’ll just unprivatize the last few entries and stuff maybe. *sigh*

I feel better than before therp but then I just…think about having to tell H and. Just. *sigh* The first question out of everyone’s mouth is “Oh my! What’re you going to do????”

I DON’T KNOW, ok? I don’t frigging KNOW.


At least Christmas Eve and Xmas were lovely. I even went to church! hehe.

N and B and M and AJ and of course DB and RB (the Knight.) hehe. Yeah. N is definately wearing a sparklie silver shirt. Which really amused AJ and I. After everyone left, AJ turned to me and said to me something like “Ok. Just two words. Shiny, Silver.” And boy was it ever. But like I said, it works, for him. heheh. (Actually it really was a neat shirt, and he looked pretty damn cute in it. hehe. I’d never really met him before, but he was so so so sweet. So that was nice. Ended up sitting between he and B for dinner. And across from AJ. eheh. But. Anyways, so we got to talk a bit and he seems really nice. I’m glad. I adore B for some reason, and so. It’s just nice.)

haha. I just remembered. J definately whacked me in therapy today. But it really, really amused me. In an effort to get me to The Present, she was trying to describe the blanket, and asking if I could feel the fleece blanket. And then’s she’s like “Well. It’s..not fleece. But it’s like fleece. It’s….” And I was like “…fleece…” *grin* And she thwapped me. *grin* It is fleece tho, I’m pretty sure. Not sure why she thought it wasn’t. Unless she thinking she meant flannel or something. She’s funny.

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December 27, 2005

can I have a copy?

Thanks for unprivatizing this — a good step, I think. With H, just go one step at a time. She loves you and I think will want to do whatever necessary to be there for you. Hugs, j

At least you can fall asleep in the present. I have a hard time with that. =oP

😀 …love the pics… Glad your eve & xmas were good. xxoo,