…it continues.

So. The car got taken care of. The Allies meeting was ok. Jay was in kind of a sad, morose mood. But I knew that he would be. Dinner was ok.

Then I get home and start cleaning up my apt, in case Jay wants to hang out there tonite. I sat down to answer an email, and I hear my door open. “Hello?” I call out. And I hear “[Echo]?” muffled by sobs and sniffles.

Homie was there. She needed to use the bathroom. She was locked out of her apartment because she had let a friend use it and they hadn’t left the key in the right place or something. She was in hysterics. She got a bunch of (all of, she said) rejection letters from the grad schools that she applied to. I was shocked. I can’t believe it. She’d be so fucking good at it, at therapy or counseling, etc. And I speak that from many view points. Just in comparison to people I know, how she is with me, just from our conversations. My heart breaks for her.

She just wanted to be alone. So I gave her a blanket and a pillow and she layed and cried on my couch while I straightened up a little.

I just…I don’t know what to do. I want to sleep. But right now I’m in the graphics design comp lab with Jay. He is doing something so he can make a print in the printmaking studio. I don’t mind being with him. I want to be supportive.

It’s just….right now, I’m realizing that right now I need time for *me* to cool down, ya know?

As I was sitting checking my email, I realized that I COMPLETELY forgot about my fucking poetry class. What’s with THAT? Like. Totally and completely. There was no “Gee, I don’t feel like it, so I guess I won’t go…” No. None of that. It was as if I wasn’t even registered for the damn class. It completely slipped my mind. I feel like such a fuckwit. I hadn’t missed a single class- NO class, in ANY subject- ALL frigging semester. My goal, my quiet personal goal, was to make it to every class, come hell or high water. In every subject.

I was doing ok earlier. I cut the other day, yes. And afterwards, I felt like “Ok. It’s out of my system. I’m ok now.” But. Maybe it’s not. I feel so…disgusting. Useless. Helpless. I want to curl up and sleep. I want to help my friends. But I want to be alone, too. I want to take time for me.

Granted, a few weeks, months ago, I wouldn’t even recognize that I *need* time for me. And I certainly wouldn’t think that it was *ok* to -take- time for me. But. That was then, and this is now. I SEE that I need time for me. I see that it keeps me….steadier. Stabler. Ok-er.

But I still don’t completely feel that it’s ok. I still don’t know how to take that time for me.

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Recognizing that you *need* time for you, that it’s *ok* to -take- time for you, and that you need time for you, are really important ideas. You’re not SuperEcho, who must solve the world’s problems in a single bound. Take one bite at a time. -A

Like you said, this was the only class you missed and it was due to circumstances that randomly happened at the same time and not because you were slacking. so cut (oops) yourself some slack on this one and deal with the rest. -bc

March 3, 2005

It’s ok – *hug*

Wow. I still have crappy dreams about missing classes and I’ve been out of school for four years now. Except in my dreams, it’s been the whole semester that I’ve forgotten to go and I always remember on the day of the final exam. I think you have to continue to take time for and take care of yourself before you can really commit to helping your friends.