Is-a this tha leetle girl i carried…..(edit)

Seriously, when did she get to be so TALL?! đŸ™‚

DB, age 3ish….back when I first started babysitting her. When RB was still doing somersaults inside M’s tummy. (I still remember- I had her for dance class that semester and a little ways in to the class she was like “So, I’m pregnant…” Not that that stopped her. I was impressed.

DB, age 8. Gorgeous? Yep. Takes after her mum- sooooooo elegant.
(I should mention that this wasn’t taken by me, obviously. It’s her ballet pic from this year, which was done professionally. Don’t wanna take credit where credit’s not due!)

She was (and continues to be) such a sweet and sensitive and thoughtful little girl. And she’s growing like a weed :p She’s gonna be taller than me by the time she’s 15.


Sunrise, sunset….sunrise, sunset….
Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
I don`t remember growing older,
When did they?

When did she get to be a beauty?
When did he grow to be so tall?
Wasn`t it yesterday when they were small?

Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset,
Swiftly flow the days,
Seedlings turn overnight to sunflowers,
Blossoming even as they gaze . . .

Sunrise sunset, sunrise, sunset!
Swiftly fly the years,
One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears . . .

One season following another,
Laden with happiness and tears . . .

( Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset . . . )

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beautiful!!! đŸ™‚ & amazing… how fast fast fast they GROW.

December 11, 2005


December 12, 2005

phew. so tall, so fast. so grown up!!

December 14, 2005

I linked this page to my diary – hope you don’t mind – can’t get my scanner to work.Hope you are good – call me when you can breath!