
Well, I managed to run yesterday *and* today. At my therp appt on Tues, J only-half-kiddingly remarked that I should have to run so many days a week in order for her to see me. She said 5, I said 4. So. 2 more to go. Hip still hurts, so I did 2 miles on the track and 1 on the treadmill. By the end it felt like it was swelling or something. The sensation of pain changed. *sigh* I hope it’s nothing serious, just my general lack of stretching and getting back in to the routine. It just worries me that it’s only on one side. Oh well. I’ll keep an eye on it.

Had an interview today at an at-risk youth facility. Well, they’re more than at-risk, I’d say, since most of them are adjudicated to be there. Adjudicated? Did I just use the right word? Ordered by the courts. I guess on charges ranging from misdemeanor and shop lifting all the way up to murder. So. Fun times. I think it went well, and that if I wanted full time, they’d hire me. But I only applied for part time cuz for some reason I can’t let go of my job at the caf, cuz I’m an idiot. Oh well.

The funniest part of the day was that La happened to be pulling out right behind me as I was leaving town, so we followed each other all the way down the interstate, and even got off at the same exit. Small world, weird timing.

I told John I’d watch his shop tomorrow for a few hours. Just searching for reasons to get out of bed. He’ll pay me a few bucks and I’ll get a few chapters of my book club book read. A win-win situation. (Even tho as I think about it I think "Uggggh, why’d I agree to that, now I have to get out of bed!" heh. I’m such a failure at life.)

Not much else in the way of news. The kitten (I say kitten…she’s a  yr and a half old) is, I believe, in heat. Or else depressed as fuck for all the crying and carrying on she’s doing. I kind of forget to get her spayed. Oops. I should do that before this happens again cuz it’s maddening to me and the other house inhabitants that she keeps rubbing up on, lol.

 Thankfully only a week until school starts. Of course, I haven’t gotten any of the cleaning I’d intended on doing done. Maybe this week. But I’m not holding my breath!


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Umm. Yay for interviews! Take it FT if it goes well and you enjoy it & they offer. I know we said small steps but gurrllll… come ON!! 😀 *strokes your hairs while you curl up under my desk* I can do that now. Since I have one. 😉

‘eh, I figured you’d hang in there til Leeann flew the coop. Just don’t hang too long y’know. If they’re wanting you I think you need to go. Especially if you like it. One scaredy cat to another. Also. *sigh* I would so love it if you lived here but there is absolutely nothing here but me.

No jobs. Interesting or otherwise. No culture. No nothing. Bars and fast food. And pretty lakes. 🙂 Thats it. I moved back here for family or I probably wouldn’t have moved *here*.

I knew you would like that song. I’m borrowing the album from the library. She was on Brain Pickings Best Albums of 2012 list and I *like* her.