in re: last entry

My apologies about the guybrain remark.

To all two of you guys who read this ;op

Seriously tho. Guybrains are different. Unless they’re gayguys. And then. Well, they’re different as well, but closer to girls’ than straightboi’s. At least, in MY experience!

I’m not a manhatingdyke. I promise!

(well. uhm. I’m mostly not. I like you two. But, I also oftentimes pretend you’re not boys. *grin*)

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Awww. Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t offended. (And if you can keep a secret, I dislike most guys too) However, if you’re gonna pretend I’m not a guy, then I should at least be allowed in on some of the fun, whatever that may be. >=o)