
So. I just bought The Sims 2. heh. :p

I saw L at the store. Made a lunch date for next week.

They tried to call me off work and I said NOOOO.

I need to clean a whole buncha shite off my computer so I can actually *play* Sims 2 without it being so SLOW.

I have an earache and an itchy throat and an almost-headache.

I have a bunch of stuff that I need to mail to various people.

I finished the first book in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld series. Not as amazingly amazing as Piers’ Xanth series. But still quite humourous.

My stomach is growling.

After next weekend, I will have worked FIVE weekends in a ROW. blargh.

If they try to call me off tomorrow nite, I hope I can once again say NO! (need the money.)

‘Dora’s laying by my chair with her paws all up under her chin and she looks so frikkin sweet I just wanna eat her up.

My Childline clearance thing came back. Hooray, I’m not in the system. *rolls eyes* (It checks to see if you’ve ever been charged as a child abuser, etc…)

Need my Criminal Record Clearance to come back, and then I can start being a Big, finally!

I think DB came home from camp today. I hope she liked the clothes I picked out for her.

I need to get ready for work. Wee. Apparently there are only 6 kids on the CA unit. And either Laurie or Kathy E will be called off, since apparently I wasn’t. If Laurie was, I’ll be teching on the adult side. If Kathy was, I’ll be on the kids side. Better remember to take a book….I still have 2 more of the Discworld books, so yay.

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The first one or two books in the Discworld series don’t measure up to some of the later ones. It does get better. 🙂

They should know you’re a friend to children everywhere…

July 1, 2006

Good job on saying no :> Good job on Sims 2, too. You should do things that make you happy just because they make you happy.

Just made a big update in the murder mystery diary for your reading pleasure. 🙂

RYN: not a damned thing. except Finn McCool’s has replaced the one final constant in my newington life. -sigh- no more Bullpen. even though it will ALWAYS be the bullpen to me. and i don’t mean queer as in slang for gay. 🙂 i don’t use “that’s gay!” it just ain’t right.

July 2, 2006

The Colour of Magic is still the only one I’ve ever read, ages ago. I liked it though. Poor Rincewind. :o)

July 2, 2006

RYN: Actually I get the eye-glaze thing a lot. And they do also tend to say it’s not my writing, weirdly. Which is nice, but apparently my stuff often calls for GREAT sleep… *sigh* :o)