important tax information enclosed

I’m not sure why I’ve not been writing lately. I have been travelling quite a bit, to my sister’s and to AJ’s and…*sigh* Takes its toll, ya know? My apartment is a wreck, my cats seem to be giving me the silent treatment, I don’t even know what the hell the new neighbors LOOK like and they’ve been here since Christmas….heh.

Not that I’m like, complaining. I love H and AJ and don’t really mind the travelling. I love to drive. Moreso when driving a car that doesn’t suck as much as mine does, and when gas prices are lower, and when it’s daytime and nice weather. But. Still. I don’t hate driving.

I guess I just feel like….I dunno. It may be boring, but sometimes I just…like being home. At least, when it’s clean. :op *sigh* Which mine is NOT right now, at ALL, and I hate it. I just want a few days to myself so I can clean and clean and clean. But that’s not gonna happen for a while, since I am being Gracie full time for two weeks starting Monday. (And working with her tomorrow. Then off on Friday, then working my regular job Saturday night, I think it is.)

I guess it’s just….routine. I like routine, I think. At least….routine keeps me somewhat more on track? Even a loose routine. Which is part of why I love/d school so much. Schedule. Maybe that’s why the travelling is getting to me? I’m always off schedule. I always leave late or get stuck in traffic or behind an accident or something. I dunno.

Today was my first day of orientation with Grace. Since I know most of what to do, it’s not *really* orientation. But that’s what I have to mark on my timecard in order for them to not raise a stink. *rolls eyes* I already know the basics. She just has to catch me up on the changes and such. heh. Which. Actually, there are a considerable amount of changes, but most of them tiny ones, so. Most of them I’m bound to forget, too. But most of them also aren’t essential.

The units are so frigging chaotic during the daytime. Ugh. I have such a headache. So many people and so much activity and phones and screaming and chatter and laughter and just on and on. Thankfully Grace’s office is far away from the units, so that’s nice except it means running my arse all the way across the building 18 times a day. heh. Oh well. Maybe I’ll loose some weight.

Had therapy today. Seemed to go pretty well til…I dunno. Til I was dumb and started thinking stupid stuff. I don’t even know.

J seemed to notice some improvement with me which. I do feel “better” the last few days. Whether that’s the cymbalta or something else, I dunno. I’ve been generally less achy, tho right now my back and shoulders are strung so tight they feel as if they’re flaming ice. And my head hurts, tho less than it did a few hours ago.

I ‘found’ my bluebook at J’s! Just a blue journal…thin but tall, with blank pages that I’d been using as a scrapbook sort of thing for magazine clippings. As I had been tearing my room apart the last few weeks for resume stuff, I had wondered where it had gotten to, cuz I found a bunch of envelopes of clippings that I wanted to do something with. So. Yay. And, I just looked on the floor at a pile of things that used to be taped to the wall that I’ve just been shuffling around, wanting to do something with, but not throw them away and not put them on the walls and things. So. Wee.

I should go to wallyworld and get a glue stick and then to the petstore and get food for the animals and then do some scrapping. Heh. Even tho I actually should clean. And don’t feel like driving anywhere. Tho I do need cereal and bread and other foodthings. lah. And I shouldn’t buy a gluestick cuz I need soap which foodstamps doesn’t buy. blah. BUt I have some change from money AJ gave me for gas this weekend. Tho I need that for the petfood. I think I can splurge 98cents for a glue stick tho I guess. lah….
wee, I found my gluestick! And a bunch more mag clippings. And spent 20 minutes putting all the programs (that I found, at least) from the last howevermany years of theatre in chronological order. eheh.
And yes, rest of apt is still a huge mess.

My head itches. There was a kid who came in with pediculitis and no one nixed her or anything. I didn’t know this til I was sitting in tx team. In the room the littles use. Meaning. Who KNOWS if there were lice crawling around!!! Prolly not, but still. It gives me the willies. heh.

Ugh. Where’s my motivation…..

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