i’m baaaaa-aaaaack (sort of permanently)

Well. The piece the guy ordered in order to fix my laptop came in. But then it turned out to NOT be the right piece. So he’s like, “you can either wait- sometimes it takes a reaaaaaaally long time. or, you can pick up your computer and use it with a regular monitor until we find the part.”

I chose option B. I was hoping there was some sort of easy-cable that could connect my laptop to my tv. But of course there isn’t. Or there is, but it’s apparently wildly expensive. Expensive is not something I can afford. (Hell, cheap isn’t something I can afford right now!)

But. He didn’t charge me to install the dvd drive, which works. I bought a 15 dollar spyware thinger at Staples- System Suite 7. I’m sure it’s not as amazing as its packaging makes it seem, since most anti software is apparently $50. But it was on clearance, marked down from 24 to 14. AND there’s a 10 dollar mail in rebate. So, with my current luck, it’ll like, cause my laptop to start spewing molten lava on my lap while hypnotizing my cats into thinking I’m a giant patch of catnip, causing them to slowly gnaw away at my flesh as I sleep.

But I’m ok with that, cuz until they finish off my fingers (and eyes, I suppose), I can at least use my computer again! lol.

Of course, it’s hooked up to my desktop monitor, so it’s not really a laptop anymore, more like a really awkward keyboard that I can’t put on the desk in front of me, cuz then the screen obscures the monitor. If that makes any sense. heh.

But anyways.

I’m glad to have it back.

I’m really enjoying Ocarina, and I looked online for some hints, cuz I was stuck trying to get in to the Hyrule Castle. And now I’m stuck trying to figure out the Jub Jub dungeon thing. But I’ve only been playing that one for a day, and I’ve been doing sidequests. Like searching for someone to buy a wooden mask that looks like a shield….

Does Link-like character become an adult *after* you get all three spirit stones? And then he has to find more stuff, or are the three spirit stones it, game over?

Anyways. I just talked to Donna for 40 minutes. So I’m gonna curl up and play some more video games, write a bit, and go to beeeeeed.

Not sure when/if I’ll catch up on everyone, but thanks for the notes during my absence!

Log in to write a note

Holly, are you using ANYthing to protect your computer from spyware??? What anti-virus program are you using? I recommend: ad-aware spybot search & destroy spyware blaster & for anti-virus protection: avast anti-virus They are all are FREE.

…you can download the first three at majorgeeks.com– http://majorgeeks.com/SpywareBlaster_d2859.html http://majorgeeks.com/SpyBot-Search_&_Destroy_Tools_d2471.html http://majorgeeks.com/Ad-Aware_2007_d506.html and http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html They’re all relatively ‘safe’ to use even if you don’t know what you’re doing. 🙂

November 7, 2007

🙂 Hugs honey.

Glad you at least have a Plan B. ** giggling at the thought of you turning into catnip **

You as a giant catnip bag makes me think of Scully’s dog eating the little old lady across the hall. It’s been so long since I played Ocarina, I don’t remember all that much about it except vague images. I’ll look and see if I might still have the player’s guide. If I do, I’ll send it to you. Can’t promise that I still have it, though. =o/

Certain spyware exploits the fact that internet explorer is *still* on your machine (it’s almost impossible to uninstall it) & it will worm into your sys–find i.e. & launch through that way. Interesting, huh? Ad-aware will remove spyware–spybot will as well, but has an immunize feature that will guard against known spy/malware issues. Spyware blaster runs unseen & guards–mostly against i.e.

(continued) …mostly against i.e. specific crap. They’re all good.

November 9, 2007

welcome back sweets.

November 11, 2007

when i read you i imagine you sitting at a really comfy and cluttered desk with pictures and books and CDs and paper all over the place, with a small soft bed in the corner with something fuzzy laying on it and your hair is down and you have a big smile on your face. *~

November 11, 2007

glad you’re “kinda back.”