if wishes and buts were clusters of nuts…..

….we’d all have a bowl of granola! -Strangers with Candy-

I’m completely unmotivated to do anything except crawl back in to bed. But there are many things that I *need* to do. Such as:

-put the laundry away (yes, that I did 2 weeks ago…)

-construct a lid for the tank, so I can finally get these animals where they need to be, with proper lighting setup and such

-walk or bike or something. As J informed me, I’m sure that you wanted to know that in a study of the efectiveness of exercise on depression, the abstract of which I glanced at this morn, 52% improved and became nonsymptomatic when exercising. I suspect a good number of the remainder didn’t continue exercising. Biking, walking, etc. are good for the body and soul. :.) (She’s so helpful, isn’t she? ;o) eheh. Seriously tho, I’m grateful that, ya know, she keeps me updated on such things….

-wash my comforter, or vacuum it or something, since it currently contains more cat hair than the frikkin cats do

-shave Journey, as she is one giant mass of knots and there’s NO way I’m paying $50+ to have her groomed. Not even if I had that kind of money for such things. geeesh.

-do all kinds of work for Dr F – typing up syllabi and such. And working on the website I’m attempting to build for her, which is an interesting endeavor as I’m like ok, so how do you want that part to look…? and she responds with oh…however YOU think it should look!!!. It’d be MUCH easier if she’d just say “I want it to look like THAT.” Cuz even if I couldn’t get it to look like THAT, I would have SOME idea of what she wanted!! ehehe. Tho, she has said some of the things she didn’t want, so I guess that’s helpful? *rolls eyes*

-do the dishes, which are currently in a sink full of COLD water. ick. But I put them in yesterday and then ended up doing other things and not getting back to them. Oh, did I mention that when I helped H move, she gave me one of her sets of dishes, since she had two and SHE really wanted to get rid of the one, even tho HE didn’t. So, I was like “oooh, you can give them to ME. I really could use dishes!” Even tho, ya know, I already had a set of dishes (that she had given me, incidentally, tho the ones I have she actually bought for me). But. The more dishes one has, the less often one has to actually wash dishes! That’s my theory, anyways. Plus, they’re uber-kewl. They’re thin and light and kind of see-thru teal coloured. My current ones are heavy and boring. She gave me the glasses that went with them too (or the ones she bought for them, tho they’re not a perfect match of colour), even tho I didn’t need glasses, cuz I already had a mostly-full set from M that she gave me when she switched from green to blue. But the funny thing is, the glasses that H gave me are almost the same exact colour (see-thru greenish) as the ones M gave me. Except H’s are round, regular-ish shaped, and M’s are square shaped. Wee. And now I have four wine-glasses. 2 that I bought, and 2 that came with H’s set. eheh. Cuz. I drink wine so often, ya know…

-finish watching Strangers with Candy, so I can return the set to Wolfie. It’s a completely furked up and hilarious show about Jerri Blank (Amy Sedaris) who, as she proclaims at the beginning of nearly every episode I’ve watched so far, is a 46-year-old high school freshman. For 32 years I was a teenage runaway. I was a boozer, a user, and a loser. My friends were dealers, cons, and 18 karat pimps. But now I’m out of jail, picking up my life exactly where I left off. I’m back in high school, living at home, and discovering all sorts of things about my body. I’m finding out that though the faces have changed, the hassles are just the same. Jerri is great. As a reporter from NYPOST.COM put it, Jerri looks like a distant relative of Swoosie Kurtz in Tammy Faye Bakker makeup and clothes that were tossed out by the Goodwill thrift shop. I mean. How can you not love that?

-water the plants

-figure out where to put the animal tank cage things. I mean. The snake can go where Alix is, the large one obviously stays where it is, Alix can go where Mobius is…but I dunno where to put Mobius. Tho, first I have to even see if the tank I want to put him in holds water or not. eesh.

-i should probably eat.

Anyways. Here’s a pic of when Kat and Wolfie and I went to the river last week:

And here’s a pic M must’ve snapped of me when we went canoeing last week:

I need to make an effort to go out there- to the river or woods or whatnot- more often, cuz it really is amazingly beautiful and peaceful. I used to be a very nature-oriented person, but then…life got in the way. :op

Anyhow. I probably -shouldn’t- curl up and go back to bed. But I might anyways. lah. I should’ve gone to the store yesterday and bought some pieces of wood for this tank, but I was too tired. Oh, and it was Sunday. And today, everything is closed. blah.

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May 30, 2005

I meant to leave this note yesterday, but got booted in the process (grr). Anyway, I really like the photo of you sitting on the rock. I like unposed photos the best (usually meaning the subject’s unaware) because they tend to let you see the true nature of the person. =o)