I shaved my…..

cat. :p

Actually, my mum shaved her. And only a portion of her. She was all knotted, beyond what I could get out with a comb or brush. So when I called Mum and H yesterday (cuz mum was at H’s…they had gone to Aunt Patsy’s for the holiday), mum was like “Well. Bring her here, H has hair clippers for the dogs…” Uh.

So. Spur of the moment, I did. She was a darling. She didn’t struggle or fuss or anything. She does look kinda funny. And afterwards, I put her downstairs, they have a weird unfinished room that has nothing but an unplugged fridge in it. I put her in there so the dogs wouldn’t get her, and she promptly holed herself as far into the corner behind the fridge as she could! Poor baby.

Later when I went down, she wouldn’t come out, but the second time I went down, a few hours later, I knelt down by the fridge and she zoomed out into my lap. eheh.

I was going to come back home last nite, but mum didn’t want me to drive in the dark. lah. So I slept on the floor. I brought the cat up and closed the door and she pretty much burrowed under the covers and slept on my leg. Eeef. She’s traumatized. And now Pandora keeps hissing at her. (She does that, like after I bring Journey home from the vet or whatever. She hisses for a few hours and then calms down.) But between that and everything else, Journey is slinking around the apartment, staying as close to the walls as possible. I’m surprised she hasn’t hidden under the bed, but I guess she feels safe enough just being home. lah.

So. Saw H and mum and the baby and such. And. It was pretty much one long string of things she disapproved of and ‘yelling’ at me for not moving in with H. WTF?? And I made the mistake of telling her I had a snake. I mean. I didn’t think she’d bubble over with joy about it, but. I dunno. She was like “I’m not ok with that. You WILL get rid of it. That’s not a suggestion, that’s an order…” Yeah. Cuz she’s NEVER even visited me since I’ve moved here, so why the hell should she care?

Why does it take 3 minutes with her sometimes before I feel like a complete waste of space?

And THEN. I was sitting next to H on one couch, mum was on the other, and H was doing her nails and we were just chit chatting about stuff. Mum was talking about getting old and her usual thing of “once my body starts failing me, that’s it, I’m done.” And she was like “You two need to stay close, I won’t be here forever…” Which. Fine, ok. We had said, not 10 minutes earlier, that we had seen each other more in the last month than we had in 5 years. But. THEN. She was like “…and you need to stay close to Patrick too. He’s still really down….” Apparently he’s unhappy in his marriage (gee, I didn’t see THAT one coming. This is the boy who never managed to keep a girlfriend for more than a month at a time. Without cheating on them, generally…)

I blatantly ignored the comment and started chatting about nail polish with H. Well, first I muttered under my breath i don’t like patrick… but mum couldn’t hear me. I dunno if H did.


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Ok, that title was an attention getter. I’m sorry your kitty had to go through the travelling and shaving ordeal. Mine hate it sooo much. (Probably because they only ever go to the vet) I hope she’s adjusting to her new look now. If you like the snake, keep it. =o)

May 31, 2005

you Mom is.. an original