I met girl!

So, I’ve been doing the online dating thing for a few months. Hadn’t really "met" any of the people I’ve chatted with til today. She messaged me the other day and we decided to have coffee today. So, after going to the dr and getting my TB test checked (I’m TB FREE! lol…), stopping by the FH to pick up a recommendation letter, meeting another friend for coffee, and running 3.1 miles, we *finally* met, lol.

We sat and talked for a few hours and then I invited her to join me in my dinner plans at a local mexican restaurant with a bunch of friends. She accepted.

We are officially dating, although we are not yet girlfriend and girlfriend. Girlfriends? We’re not a couple. Just dating. We like to be clear on these things, lol. I’m pretty excited about this. It means after my mtg, I have to spend tomorrow cleaning the fuck out of my apartment so it’s inhabitable to another human being, so I can actually invite her over here, ha!


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March 1, 2013

Random: Good luck with her!

I AM SO EXCITED!!! And yes, that needed ALL CAPS! 😀 It did. And I am. <3 u.

Ok now I have actually paused in my excitement to read. I am giddy too. Remember to *breathe* dear one. & I am hopeful that this unfolds in good ways for you. You DESERVE to have someone to be close with. This, from me, to you… You deserve this. Even if it’s JUST DATING and NOT GIRLFRIENDS and we are all clear on this thing. 🙂 Whatever it is, you deserve to BE WITH someone. It whatever way

(cont) it is. CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!! 😀 <3 Love you. Have fun with this girl. LET yourself have fun, Holly. <—that. I mean it. *eyes you* 🙂

March 2, 2013

Anybody who likes you after you’ve run 3.1 miles must like the “real” you because running brings out a lot of reality. ryn: It’s pastel blue for Easter.