I’ve been mildly productive today. My sleep is all messed up and I don’t know why. I’m pretty consistant tho- I wake up at 3am nearly every time. *sigh*

Anyhow. I got up for good at around 1030 or 11. Finished my pharm readings – meds for GI upsets (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, GERD, etc) and finished the homework for it too, which isn’t due til Thursday. So that’s good. Always good to have that done and out of the way. Haven’t yet started my readings for nursing process, oops. And I still have all that poetry to work on.

Except I think I just figured out something good- I don’t have clinical this week. We all had to sign up for one day at a daycare and my sign up day was Friday. Now, I know I get one day off of clinical for that, and I think I may get the other day off for the paperwork that goes along with it (several articles and such that we have to read and answer questions for, and we have to write a two page paper about the experience). Which means I can 1. Go to Allies panel on Monday and 2. only make the commute once on Tuesday for my appt with Dr F, instead of going up there and meeting with her from 11-1, then coming back here for class, and then going back there for clinical. Yay! I was planning on attending the panel anyway, depending on the weather, cuz it’s over at 315 and that gives me time still to get back up to the hospital for Clinical. But now it looks like I don’t have to do that. That makes me tres happy. w00t!

I also cleaned the bathroom this morning, shower and tub included. Ugh, the tilex stuff is very potent and my eyes were stinging from it. But I opened the back door and hopefully the place will air out quickly.

I am considering buying another bookshelf. I seem to fill them up as quickly as I buy them!! lah. But I think for now I’ll just hold off and live with a pile of nursing books *next* to the bookcase. Cuz that’s prolly where they’d be anyways, even if there were room on the shelves!

I need to clean Cordova’s tank as well as Mobius’ And I desperately need crickets for Alix, but the pet store is out and won’t have them til Tuesday :/ And the other petstore seems to be out of business. Shit. Not good. She’s not eaten in several days. I hope she’ll be ok. lah. I’m an idiot, I was going to go buy them on Wednesday, but somehow I just never got around to it. Just like I never got around to picking up my synthroid til yesterday, so I’ve been a week without it. Argh. Damn damn damn.

I need to go to Wally World. I’m out of bread and running low on cat food. Wee. Maybe tonite after EnP.

I need to shower and do the dishes and clean the tanks and see if I can churn out some poetry. Eheh. And I should get started on those Daycare packet things too, so I don’t forget to do them. Ack. Also need to vacuum.

Wow, this is certainly an entry full of I’s. Eheh.

Eep. Just realized that I have a pharm exam next Thursday, the 3rd. Yick. I believe Winter Break starts shortly thereafter. It’s insane, there’s a break from like, March 5th thru the 13th and then another one from March 24th thru the 29th. I wish they were spaced out more. The academic calander (calendar?) was fucked up this time around, I do declare. All the breaks were different. Bleh. We’re done with classes on May 2nd. Meaning we only have, essentially, a month and a half left. Oi vey….

I really need to hop in the shower before the ppl downstairs start doing laundry. Oi! Just remembered that I also need to do laundry. It can wait til Wednesday, since I don’t need clean uniforms and won’t have to spend that day doing Pharm homework. Although I haven’t seen the downstairs ppl’s cars around much this week/end. Maybe they’re out house-shopping. That would be nice. I want new neighbors!

Shower. Vacuum. Dishes. Animal tanks. Poetry. yep yep.

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February 20, 2005

I’m semi-returned. Maybe. Hurrah!

I need to go to Wally World for animal food and a few people things too… And I did a thorough–but gentle–cleaning of my fish tank a few weeks back. Gentle because I was half hoping there were some babies in the breeding grass & didn’t want to ‘turn’ the tank too drastically… ph & all that. Anyway. I was DELIGHTFULLY surprised to feed the fish this weekend and see not 1 or 2 but SEVEN

new little fishies!!! 🙂 I was afraid that I’d gotten all females this last go-round. I usually watch the fish for so long that the Wal-Mart person gets anxious waiting for me to just a pick a damn fish already!! 🙂 But I like to make sure I get at least one male or whatnot in the hopes that they’ll breed. Well this last time I got them home & watched their fins closer & thought… DANG!

They’re all girls!! …evidently not. 🙂 (either that or one was already pregnant when I bought her *shrugs* 🙂