I don’t know

Hard to believe September is here again. I need to be doing my Social Psych reading, as I didn’t do it last nite (But I did do my Nsg Process reading. So that’s something) Had some lovely laughs with Em. She’s such a sweetheart. I wish I could find more ways to help her destress. lah.

My apartment is a frikkin MESS. HATE IT!!! Ah well. I shall clean…Thursday. Eheh. Which is…tomorrow? AJ is coming tomorrow I think!!!!!! heh. That makes me happier than I can even admit. It’s been so hard to just….to not pretend that I didn’t care, like I usually do. To not just shove her out of mind because she’s out of sight. Well. It’s not been actually hard so much as….just weird, cuz I haven’t done those things. I just want to hug her and hold her and kiss her. And. I love that…I will get to do these things. That we will prolly just spend hours cuddling/ watching movies/ sleeping. I feel more calm just anticipating it. Hopefully it will happen. I’m not sure what gas prices have done around here- they were still holding steady when I drove to skewl this morning, but they may’ve changed between now and then. ugh.

So, Em and I went to Wally World shopping last nite. And I paid for her food, because doing things like that make me feel like I’m helping people. She paid for all of my non-food items. Plus, like I told her, I plan on eating at least -some- of what she bought when I come over to hang out/have dinners! 🙂 Anyways. So I was looking at my receipt to find my Food Stamp balance. And…it says I have cash on my card now? I’m confused. I dunno if I’m s’posed to use that for books- like, take it to the book store and they can process it- or just for whatever (non-foodstuff) at the store or…I dunno. Need to finish filling out my paperwork and contact my case worker person. I was gonna stop by SAFE and have Donna help me out today, but now I realize that I’m at this frikkin campus til 445 and won’t get home til 530ish.

There is some girl laughing really annoyingly. Which wouldn’t bother meyes it would if I weren’t at THE LIBRARY. Remember, that place where you’re s’posed to be quiet?? And they’re not even talking about school stuff. They’re gossiping. And a few minutes ago the one girl’s voice got really loud and she was saying something about “this really fat chick…” Gah. Have some common sense, some respect. Some something.

I have a whole list of ToDo things that I wrote out while in class this morning. The instructor kind of drones on and on and all she does is read directly from the powerpoint slides. Which. ya know. I kinda learned how to read about, oh, 20 years ago…I’m quite capable of reading them on my own. She doesn’t add ANY additional comments or ANYthing. Ugh. It’s so hard for me to focus. Because she -gives- us the handout of the powerpoint slides. So not only is it on the projector in front of me, it’s also on the desk in front of me. Argh.

I really do need to go read my Social Psych stuff. The goal this semester is…to get a 4.0 Eheh. If I get a 4.0 this semester AND next, I can graduate with honours….Not very likely, but. *shrugs* Although someone said that even if you get a 4.0–A’s in all of your classes or a 3.5 or whatever…if you have a class that’s pass/fail, you don’t get added to the Dean’s list? WTF is up with that…I mean. It’s not like I just randomly got 4 credits for Clinical. I still have to EARN a “PASS” I spend 14 hrs a week to get those 4 credits. 14 hrs of class time. That doesn’t include the countless hours spent working on care plans and care maps and med research and…etc. Whatever. Grading systems need revamped. What the hell does “revamp” mean, anyway??


Oh. I was actually *social* at lunch. Or brunch, I guess it was. If you can call Cheese Poppers at 10am “brunch” eheh. Whatever. But. As I was standing in line, the two women also in line were chatting about the nsg program and I joined in and then we all sat together and chatted thru our meals. Heh. Somewhat novel experience for me.

WOO. 11:21 Wee.

I miss The X-Files. Mmmmmm, Gillian. lol.

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I agree.. Mmmm Gillian. And I’ve decided that if I see you next May, I’ll make you lasagna. -bc

August 31, 2005

of course – when do you need it by?

August 31, 2005

aw man. i had such a girl crush on gillian anderson. ME-OW!! 🙂 my personal pet peeve are loud people at libraries. arg. SO annoying. or like, someone eating an apple in the middle of a study section of the place or something. (i have no patience for normal human behavior like loud breathing or crunching) sigh. xoxo *~

H, Just talked to Kay, who is in PA, safe. She’s worried about the people of New Orleans, as you might guess, but she’s safe. Thought you might want to know, Jeanne

August 31, 2005

I think revamp means to vamp something again. *shrug*